marul vitamin değeri

Marul vitamin değeri

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different salinity levels NaCI marul vitamin değeri head lettuce Lactuca Sativa L, marul vitamin değeri. Bombala development in soilless culture. This study was conducted to cover two separate production periods 1st and 2nd production periods. The randomized blocks were arranged on the basis of the experimental design with 3 replicates in two production periods.

The effects of two different organic fertilizers, which differ ratio according to the NPK content, on plant growth and mineral content in lettuce Lactuca sativa L. Yedikule were examined in this study. In addition, nitrate contents were determined. Chlorophyll reading value, stem diameter, plant height, number of leaves, vitamin C, root and shoot fresh and dry weights and mineral contents of leaf and roots were examined in lettuce. Plant growth with fertilizers used in the study is higher than the control without any application, in addition, it was determined that the mineral contents increased with fertilizers in plant leaves and roots.

Marul vitamin değeri


The randomized blocks were arranged on the basis of the experimental design with 3 replicates in two production periods. In addition, nitrate contents were determined.


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Marul vitamin değeri


Charles baker mandalorian

Purdue University Press, West lafayette, India, pp Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, — Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 1 : 65— Biomass and nutrient concentration of lettuce grown with organic fertilizers. Environmental and Experimental Botany, Nitrogen—total, in: D. Torabi M, An attempt for reducing mineral fertilization in lettuce production by using bio-organic farming system. Chapter: 12, Soilless Culture, pp: Gangolli, S. Horticultura Brasileira, 23 4 : Latimer Eds.


Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, — Prentice Hall. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology — Garmendia I, Mangas VJ, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 1 : 65— SPSS Inc, Response of Lettuce Lactuca sativa L. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70 4 : Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. Acta Horticulturae, — Water in a Changing World. Acta Horticulturae, Hydroponic systems. Growth and nutrient and nitrate accumulation of lettuce under different regimes of nitrogen fertilization. Pitura K, Michalojc Z,

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