marriage corporal punishment old fashioned discipline methods

Marriage corporal punishment old fashioned discipline methods

Does God want husbands to ignore rebellion in their wives? Or does God give husbands the authority to discipline their wives? If so how can a Christian husband discipline his wife in an effective way that is pleasing to God?

Corporal punishment of children reaches back at least to antiquity. Yet it is not universal. This chapter traces its history from pre-recorded history to the modern era, demonstrating the shifts in norms that have occurred over the centuries. The legal status of corporal punishment around the world is then examined, shedding light on the range of settings in which it occurs. Challenges to estimating the prevalence of corporal punishment are described, and standardized international estimates are presented. The chapter ends with a presentation of a range of approaches to its prevention. This chapter was initially published with an incorrect copyright holder name.

Marriage corporal punishment old fashioned discipline methods

My grandfather told me this funny story from when he was a boy. I think I asked him if he ever got in trouble at school. One day I brought in a switch I made for my teacher, to use on the other kids. Note: Here comes the disclaimer. I also want to acknowledge that some people have been both emotionally and physically abused through this kind of discipline. Whenever we discipline our children it is for the goal of building them up and bettering them. Sometimes those lessons hurt. When I was a kid they spanked in school. Or, rather, they paddled. I have been on the positive and negative ends of discipline with the paddle, where in some cases it was used as the only means to discipline me and others it was reserved for the worst offenders — still me — and was administered with extreme prejudice. This may be part of the reason we initially decided not to spank our boys. He was slowly becoming a little terror and I felt like we had only one option left. When I administered his first spanking, it was like a light went off. It worked for him.

In every sphere of authority God has established that the authority has not only the right, but the duty to discipline those under their authority.

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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Preview improvements coming to the PMC website in October Learn More or Try it out now. The use of corporal punishment to discipline children remains one of the last holdouts of old-fashioned childrearing in the United States.

Marriage corporal punishment old fashioned discipline methods

Corporal punishment of children reaches back at least to antiquity. Yet it is not universal. This chapter traces its history from pre-recorded history to the modern era, demonstrating the shifts in norms that have occurred over the centuries. The legal status of corporal punishment around the world is then examined, shedding light on the range of settings in which it occurs. Challenges to estimating the prevalence of corporal punishment are described, and standardized international estimates are presented. The chapter ends with a presentation of a range of approaches to its prevention. This chapter was initially published with an incorrect copyright holder name. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution.

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Accepted : 06 March Willow, C. Early childhood exposure to non-violent discipline and physical and psychological aggression in low- and middle-income countries: National, regional, and global prevalence estimates. Escalate to Moderator. What is all the need for this discipline stuff? I believe in conversation, discussion and compromise. In every sphere of authority God has established that the authority has not only the right, but the duty to discipline those under their authority. As husbands our discipline should always start off gently and then move toward harder forms of discipline. But my sons submit to my discipline because as angry and rebellious as they can be at times, they know that God has placed me over them to look out for their spiritual and physical good and they know I love them. Stop doing this. There is something to be said about being able to stand there and take your licks. London: Jonathan Cape. Google Scholar Jaffee, S.

Federal government websites often end in.

Psychology of Violence, 8 , 1—9. Publisher Name : Springer, Cham. Google Scholar Teicher, M. A growing number of married American couples are agreeing to allow husbands to keep their wives 'in line' by taking to corporal punishment. London: A and J Churchill. Yes whether they be young adults teens or older adults we all must decide if we will submit to and learn from discipline what the person in authority is trying to teach us. No man who truly loves his wife takes pleasure in disciplining her. Even as a betrothed bride, Christ disciplined his Church through his Apostles who acted as the protector and guides of his bride. Wives must choose to submit to discipline — there is no question. Learn more about our guidelines Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page.

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