Male weight gain stories

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Thought I would make a master list of all my stories, for convenience. Beached : Nick gains a new appreciation for the beach after seeing a very large yet strangely familiar figure. This story follows his transformation from slim young man to hefty chub. Lifeguard Off Duty : In this multi-part collaboration with gainerstories, former lifeguard Bradley faces big temptations at his new office job, and soon finds himself in a losing battle with the bulge. But those perks come with some unintended consequences. Amenities : As he tries to recreate an unforgettable night from his past, married businessman Nate discovers that the universe has much larger but equally steamy plans in store for him. This is the story of Noah and Troy, and the different ways they spend Halloween over the years.

Male weight gain stories

ModecaiSnow Welcome! Make yourself at home. Profile Navigation ModecaiSnow. Home Gallery Favourites Posts About. This story contains themes of: extreme weight gain, slob sweat, gas, belch, messy eating , personality changes, near immobility. Thank you! They met on an online forum for people looking for roommates, and they both were apartment hunting in the same area and seemed to hit it off well with each other. James, a year-old college graduate got his first job as a clerk at a large law firm. Bruce, on the other hand, was a year-old streamer who spent most of his time in his room, spending hours on end playing video games. The two did get along well, but they did spend most of their time apart. James began to open it, immediately getting smacked in the face by a powerful, fetid gust of warmth. The skinny boy fanned the air, gagging softly under his breath. His headphones tightly covered his ears.

James could feel his skinny rear end sink into the thick, but soft, male weight gain stories, greasy rolls of belly fat. The Reluctant Feeder : Phil is devastated when his chaser boyfriend expresses an interest in fattening himself up too.

Looking for a gainer story? On this page, you will find the complete catalogue of original stories from Feeder86, alongside a useful description. Simply click on the title of the story you would like to view for it to open up in a new window. Happy reading…. A matter of taste: What has happened to Jack?

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. He flipped the fluffy comforter off of himself before sitting up on the edge of the bed, cool air sending goosebumps down his skinny arms with his bare skin now exposed. The scent of sugar grew stronger with each step. He rounded the corner into the kitchen and there, still in his flannel pajama set, with an apron over top, was Steve, setting a tray of cinnamon rolls down on the counter top.

Male weight gain stories

My personal favorites of the Male WG variety. Most often will feature gay male characters and fantastical magic, etc. Some stories may feature straight characters, realistic WG, inflation, blueberry, mpreg, and probably others as I come across things that strike my fancy. If you've stumbled upon this collection, then hopefully you find these stories as fulfilling as I do! Note: since dA doesn't allow subfolders, I only favorite Part 1 of a series that I like to keep the folder less cluttered, even if that's not necessarily my favorite installment.

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Maybe Bill will just have to show him instead…. Bruce flopped down onto the sofa. My lb Life Series. Part 3. Bruce belched and rubbed his exposed belly. How to Keep a Crown : A usurping king needs to be cunning and devious in order to stay in power. James never watched another stream, and he avoided leaving his room at the same time as Bruce to prevent themselves from crossing paths. It sloshed and wobbled in waves. He shook his head, looking around at the mess he left in the kitchen trash can. Blue beer, Lost in the woods! On stream, it was a site to see. Or will it? But with a passion for fat, he might be a little more kinky than Brian first thought.

He's bulked up —a lot. Compare his tall, lanky stature in his brief appearances in New Girl or Brooklyn Nine-Nine to his titanic build in Prime Video's Reacher , and it's impossible not to notice a difference. One of the most important characteristics for the actor cast to take on the role of former military police officer Jack Reacher would have to be big—really big.

His arm fat spilled out of the open window. Might he possibly change the vision of the samurai from his sudden behavior in the community? One likes fat guys, the other likes fat girls. But the tale of their failed date only makes him more intrigued. What he needs is a big stunt to pull in the crowds. Cinderblocks that helped reinforce the bedframe had begun to crack and chip, leaving dustings of crushed concrete on the wood floor. You can always edit it out later… or not. Don't forget to comment and rate! Gaining a fortune : What would you do if you got the chance to relive the last ten years? I'll remember him every time I read his dozens upon dozens of stories.

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