

Read on to learn Magnamalo's weaknesses, forgeable weapons magnamalo armor, drops, and attack patterns for Master Rank!

Scorned Magnamalo mostly resembles a normal Magnamalo, but has elongated, oddly serrated arm-blades, larger fangs, and more jagged back shells that will unfold when sufficiently enraged in place of the normal variant's spikes. It is missing its right horn and eye, and its body is shrouded in volatile pink Hellfire at all times. Its body is now a darker purple color with glowing red scars all over its body, similar to the appearance of the Apex Monsters found in Kamura. Thanks to years of hatred and battle scars, the Scorned Magnamalo boasts superior physicality and has perfected its Hellfire, allowing it to use more complex and wide-reaching explosive attacks. In particular, it wields its elongated arm-blades to deadly effect, and can concentrate Hellfire gas into the blades to unleash fierce combo slashes or extend the reach of its swings. Once its rage reaches its peak, it can enter a new "Raging Hellfire" state, causing some of its Hellfire to turn red and inflict Dragonblight, and causing it to become even more aggressive. Scorned Magnamalo is much more aggressive and violent than even a regular Magnamalo, and is now powerful enough to take down many apex predators and fight evenly with, if not overpower Elder Dragons.


It is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Rise. Large Monsters like Magnamalo are hostile and are usually the primary objective of Hunts. They provide valuable Materials when defeated. The item with the lowest drop chance, dropped by Magnamalo , is the Magnamalo Orb , which is the item that will have hunters farming Magnamalos for a while. Check our Builds to get better prepared against Magnamalo and farm the item more quickly. A grudge towards all life Given form in flame Stalks unsuspecting creatures That it seeks to maim Its prey turns round to face it Preferring a hero's death Knowing that this purple fire Will steal its final breath Pray for its soul For this creature of pure evil Shall swallow the world whole. Magnamalo is a monster with a carapace like tempered steel armor. The vapor around it is actually the expelling of trapped gases from the hordes of monsters Magnamalo has consumed. This has earned it the moniker "Wyvern of Malice. Use a Deodorant or a Wirebug to rid yourself of hellfire. Magnamalo can be quite a challenge for new players due to its agile and seemingly unpredictable attacks, but it can be overcome with simple strategies and some preparation. The majority of Magnamalo's attacks involve its Hellfire. If you become afflicted with Hellfireblight, Wiredash to rid yourself of this status.

Last updated on: June 7, AM.

This page will cover its weaknesses, tips to beat it, item drops, armor , and more. See the Monsters page for a list of all large monsters in Monster Hunter Rise, and New Monsters to see just the new ones. Magnamalo is fierce, but luckily, not as punishing as it was in the Monster Hunter Demo. As a Fanged Wyvern, it may feel similar to those familiar with Zinogre , with many attacks that hinge on quick movements and stomps with its forelegs. It also has a variety of long-range, though fairly slow-moving, projectiles.

This page will cover its weaknesses, tips to beat it, item drops, armor , and more. See the Monsters page for a list of all large monsters in Monster Hunter Rise, and New Monsters to see just the new ones. Magnamalo is fierce, but luckily, not as punishing as it was in the Monster Hunter Demo. As a Fanged Wyvern, it may feel similar to those familiar with Zinogre , with many attacks that hinge on quick movements and stomps with its forelegs. It also has a variety of long-range, though fairly slow-moving, projectiles. Wear Armor that suits your weapon. Magnamlo can be trapped, so bring traps and Tranq Bombs with you to capture it , along with Recommended Item Loadouts.


Magnamalo is the flagship monster for Monster Hunter Rise , and it is no doubt one of the fiercer monsters you will encounter. This devastatingly powerful enemy comes with a lighting-fast moveset and debilitating hellblight skill that will challenge even the most seasoned of hunters. That puts the Magnamalo at a fairly early unlock for players. Equip yourself with the best gear possible at your respective Hunter Rank before tackling the Magnamalo quest. For Hub Rank, try the Bishaten armor with a weapon of your choosing.

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One of its most dangerous attacks launches it into the air with an explosion to crash down on a hunter. Magna Cleave - Magnamalo leaps acrobatically into the air and slams its tail vertically into the ground. In combat, it will use nearly every part of its body to attack, most prominently its blade-like tail that lets it strike from afar. After recovering from the stagger, Magnamalo's body won't produce any of the hellfire gas for a short period of time. Fantasy Monster Hunter. Gore Magala Chaotic Gore Magala. Its tail can be severed as well. Roll to the side. Brute Wyvern. Operation Magnamalo. Don't have an account? When enraged and charged with Hellfire, Magna moves around the battlefield much faster and will often charge towards a direction and leap back at hunters performing one of its many other attacks. Magnamalo Scale. Daimyo Hermitaur.

Every Monster Hunter game has its flagship monster, the beast featured on the game's box art and in promotion material. Past flagships include Nergigante, Zinogre, and Tigrex.

Great Baggi. When enraged, it will often perform this move 3 times in rapid succession, accompanied by Hellfire dust clouds traveling outwards. The head has a short, tigrine snout, holds two foldable tusks under its cheeks, and sports a large pair of jagged yellow horns, just underneath which are its long, thin ears. Start a Wiki. Iceblight Status Effect Graph. However, note that third Wirebugs are not permanent so take time to replenish them when you can! If one is willing to do a little digging, there's even more to learn about the Wyvern of Malice. Attack whatever body part is glowing to extinguish Magnamalo. MH Online. To avoid this attack, evade perpendicular to its tail just before Magnamalo fires the Hellfire beam. Each of its opponents tries to use its flight to gain an advantage, but it quickly backfires.

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