magic johnson basketball

Magic johnson basketball

Johnson became a basketball fan at a young age, idolizing the likes of Bill Russell and Earl Monroe. Magic would have an excellent high school career. Magic johnson basketball a senior he averaged

Learn More. See More. Few players in history exhibited as much enthusiasm for basketball or displayed such an engaging personality both on and off the court as Earvin "Magic" Johnson. Magic's incredible passion, coupled with his amazing skills, dazzled generations of fans and turned basketball into "Showtime. No player Johnson's size had ever done what he could do with a basketball and his incredible talents resulted in a national championship at Michigan State and five NBA titles with the Los Angeles Lakers. When he retired from the NBA, Johnson was the all-time leader in assists. Magic redefined the sphere of traditional position play because he excelled at every phase of the game.

Magic johnson basketball

Earvin Johnson Jr. Born: August 14 , in Lansing, Michigan us. College: Michigan State. High School: Everett in Lansing, Michigan. Compare Magic Johnson to other players. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. Do you have a sports website? Or write about sports? We have tools and resources that can help you use sports data. Find out more.

Major honors 3. Archived from the original on August 8, Player stats broken down into various categories; i.

Earvin " Magic " Johnson Jr. After winning a national championship with Michigan State in , Johnson was selected first overall in the NBA draft by the Lakers, leading the team to five NBA championships during their " Showtime " era. After protests against his return from his fellow players, he retired again for four years, but returned in , at age 36, to play 32 games for the Lakers before retiring for the third and final time. Known for his extraordinary court vision, passing abilities, and leadership on the court, Johnson was one of the most dominant players of his era. He led the league in regular season assists four times, and is the NBA's all-time leader in average assists per game in both the regular season After leaving the NBA in , he formed the Magic Johnson All-Stars, a barnstorming team that traveled around the world playing exhibition games.

Earvin " Magic " Johnson Jr. After winning a national championship with Michigan State in , Johnson was selected first overall in the NBA draft by the Lakers, leading the team to five NBA championships during their " Showtime " era. After protests against his return from his fellow players, he retired again for four years, but returned in , at age 36, to play 32 games for the Lakers before retiring for the third and final time. Known for his extraordinary court vision, passing abilities, and leadership on the court, Johnson was one of the most dominant players of his era. He led the league in regular season assists four times, and is the NBA's all-time leader in average assists per game in both the regular season After leaving the NBA in , he formed the Magic Johnson All-Stars, a barnstorming team that traveled around the world playing exhibition games. Johnson has won 14 total championships during his career, one in college, five as an NBA player and eight as an owner.

Magic johnson basketball

By March , Jerry West had had a good long look at Magic Johnson , had witnessed it all up close, first the transformation Johnson had brought to the Los Angeles Lakers a decade earlier, and then all that followed: the championships, the MVP seasons and performances, the virtual onslaught of victory and success, the building-pumping celebrations at timeouts after every fast-break run, the high fives and hugs and general glee that shook both Los Angeles and the National Basketball Association out of the deep slumber and ennui that had settled over the American pro game like a blanket in the late s. That contrast, in part, was the reason this writer had traveled that March of to interview West over two days in a hotel room in Dallas, where West had gone to scout college basketball talent in search of the next good player for the team. Times columnist Jim Murray would declare during the era. The Lakers won the game -

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The Lakers compiled a 60—22 record in the regular season and reached the NBA Finals , [53] where they faced the Philadelphia 76ers , who were led by forward Julius Erving. Tools Tools. Detroit Free Press. Retrieved April 5, Los Angeles, California. May 15, November 4, Archived from the original on March 19, Retrieved December 23, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Team Schedules and League Schedules.

Magic Johnson dominated the court as one of professional basketball's best players for 13 years.

The Lakers won 57 games and swept through the Western Conference on the way to their third straight NBA Finals where they faced the Pistons in a rematch from the previous season. Archived from the original on September 9, Retrieved May 10, Retrieved October 21, Buss took a special interest in Johnson, introducing him to important Los Angeles business contacts and showing him how the Lakers organization was run, before eventually selling Johnson a stake in the team in Johnson is a supporter of the Democratic Party. At 36 years old, Magic would play power forward and immediately had an impact with 19 points, 8 rebounds, and 10 assists off the bench in his first game back. See More. Ebbets , E. Retrieved May 14,

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