Mafia 3 playboy locations

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Playboy magazines are back in Mafia 3 and Redditor FunkyVideoGames has put together a handy map with all of the magazine locations clearly marked for your convenience. Classic issues of Playboy litter the desks and tables you'll come across on your travels. If you could lift up mattresses you'd probably find the tattered, sticky remains of a few more issues, but that's another story. Hanging On Mafia 3 developer Hangar 13 faces more layoffs following recent lead departures. Watch today's Mafia: Definitive Edition gameplay reveal here. Mafia 3: Definitive Edition hides a map of Hangar 13's cancelled spy game.

Mafia 3 playboy locations

This page contains the location of all of the collectible Playboy Magazines in Mafia 3. The first Playboy you'll find is in your basement room at Sammy's bar. You'll find it on the desk across from your bed. There's also a Vargas Painting nearby as well. This Playboy can be found in the laundromat down the street from Sammy's bar. It's in the manager's office, to the left down the hall past the Employees Only door on the left side of the laundromat. At the south-west corner of the central island in the Hollow is a small green house, down the street from the bridge leading into the bayou. Inside the house, you'll find this playboy sitting on the desk along the south wall. This playboy can be found at the far end of the bar at the Double Barrel Bar, across from the abandoned amusement park on the south island of the hollow. On the road leading up the hill from Delray Hollow into Barclay Mills, you can find this issue at the first house you'll pass on your left.

We will continue to update this guide as we continue to locate more. September This Playboy is in the shantytown on the north-east side of the district. Burke's workshop is located in the south-west section of Point Verdun.


This page contains the location of all of the collectible Playboy Magazines in Mafia 3. The first Playboy you'll find is in your basement room at Sammy's bar. You'll find it on the desk across from your bed. There's also a Vargas Painting nearby as well. This Playboy can be found in the laundromat down the street from Sammy's bar.

Mafia 3 playboy locations

August This edition of the Playboy magazine can be found by heading to the Everyday Laundromat in Delray Hollow. Head into the building and locate the back office to find this Playboy Magazine inside on the desk. November While wandering the streets of Delray Hollow, keep an eye out for a dilapidated looking green house. Inside the house you can find this edition of the Playboy magazine just sitting on a desk inside the living room. Locate and head to the Double Barrel Bar in Delray Hollow to find this Playboy magazine at the end of the bar, just waiting to be claimed. The second district in our guide has a grand total of 7 Playboy magazines that you can find hidden throughout its streets and buildings. Make your way to the Bayside Shipping Warehouse in River Row to find this Playboy magazine just waiting to be collected off the desk in the cage office of the warehouse. Head to the location and make your way to the kitchen in the back.

Brakleen sds

On the south-west side of the street, there will be a path that leads behind the buildings. May In the north-west corner of Burke's workshop, you'll find this magazine on a table. Many of our lists often involve entires from several editors, and our weekly Shack Chat is something we all contribute to as a group. Use your buddy Zemis as a distraction to avoid getting snatched by the cops. Head into the marked warehouse on the map above that's on the corner of a major intersection of River Row. July On the riverfront is a house with a covered porch. Head past them towards the edge of the area and you'll find a small portable with this magazine inside. November Look for a decrepit green house in Delray Hollow. There you'll find a dock and a building on the docks. August The magazine is inside the desk. July Head to the centre-north part of Point Verdun to where a church is. By a dirty

Below is a list of collectibles in Mafia III. Click on the individual articles for detailed descriptions and location information.

The magazine will be on the upper loft. This one is a ranch-style house, and the magazine is on the back porch. Around back, you can get inside the garage. Head to the Shaker's Bar and Grill in the south-east part of downtown. May Look inside another trailer on the waterfront for this issue. Keep in mind that this is a segregated bar gross! The Playboy is on the deck of the second-to-last building near the end of the western side of the settlement. Mafia 3: Definitive Edition hides a map of Hangar 13's cancelled spy game. September This Playboy is in the shantytown on the north-east side of the district. Head to the narrow bridge at the north-eastern part of downtown. The French Ward February Look for a brick house with a shed in the backyard. Go inside and you'll find this magazine. The magazine is inside.

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