Lor zod
Lor zod legacy has continued through his son, Lor-Zod. Created by legendary Superman director Richard Donneralongside Geoff Johns and Adam Kubert, lor zod, the son of Krypton's most fearsome military mind was introduced in the early s. Since then, he's had a conflicting peliculas pornograf as both the son of Zod and of Superman, with DC's New 52 reboot changing the character on a fundamental level.
Flight: Lor-Zod is able to fly at super speeds. Heat Vision: Lor-Zod has the ability to fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking. Super-Hearing: Lor-Zod has the ability to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. Super-Breath: Lor-Zod can freeze a target with his breath or create strong gusts of wind. Origins: Lor-Zod and his parents fled Earth and took up refuge on the planet Jekuul which boasted 2 yellow suns. The native population revered the House of Zod as gods and so the family took over the planet naming it New Krypton.
Lor zod
The House of Zod was one of the oldest families of Krypton in the original Superman comics, and frequent rivals to the House of El. Young Justice seems to be continuing that tradition by revealing Lor-Zod as Superboy's attempted murderer and by introducing the infamous General Zod as an ironic ally of circumstance. This led to him being ordered to accompany Mantis the arch-enemy of the Outsiders' Forager and a figure who was unknown to him, but recognizable as the time-traveler who seemingly killed Superboy earlier in Young Justice season 4. Lor-Zod, " as the camera revealed his armor to be emblazed with a red sigil resembling a stylized "Z. General Zod requires no introduction to even casual superhero fans, having been the chief villain of both Superman II and Man of Steel, but the character of Lor-Zod is a more recent creation. Lor-Zod was introduced as the son of General Zod and his right-hand, Ursa, conceived in the Phantom Zone after their imprisonment and sent out into the physical world using an experimental ship in an ironic echo of Kal-El's own journey to Earth from the doomed Krypton. This version of Lor-Zod rejected his father's teachings and was briefly adopted by Lois Lane and Clark Kent before sacrificing himself to reimprison his parents in the Phantom Zone. Since that time, an older version of Lor-Zod who was loyal to his father was introduced into the DC Rebirth reality in The character of General Zod was introduced later in the same Young Justice episode, as Conner "Superboy" Kent continued to fight his way through a strange dimension, finally confirmed to be the Phantom Zone. There, Superboy was tormented by images of what his life would have been like had he become the living weapon Lex Luthor had intended to forge when he cloned Superman. He was then comforted by a stranger, who explained that Superboy was suffering from what was called " Zone-Sickness " and that he could teach him how to overcome it and survive in this harsh world. The stranger quirked an eyebrow when the amnesiac Conner introduced himself as " the Superboy " but said nothing else before replying, " My name's Dru General Dru-Zod. General Zod and the concept of the Phantom Zone were both introduced in the same comic book story, "The Phantom Superboy," from Adventure Comic s , so it is historically fitting that Young Justice should introduce him into the reality of Earth at this point in the story.
The Flamebird is once more submerged after sharing a kiss with Chris.
While imprisoned inside the Phantom Zone , the Kryptonian known as General Zod and his mate Ursa gave birth to a child named Lor-Zod while living inside of a transported Kryptonian prison called Fort Rozz. The circumstances leading to his birth meant that Lor-Zod was immune to the effects of the Phantom Zone, never turning into a phantom like his parents did when they exited the prison and he aged at a normal rate. His early life was harsh, as both Zod and Ursa were very abusive parents and eventually found a way to use their own son to free themselves from the Phantom Zone. Building rockets and manipulating the Phantom Zone technology inside the prison, Zod was able to send Lor-Zod to Earth where he was found by Superman who quickly learnt the boy was Kryptonian. After substantial interest in the boy from both the government and Bizarro , who at the time was working on the orders of Lex Luthor , Superman and Lois Lane decided to adopt him to protect the Kryptonian child from the government, naming him Christopher Kent and introducing him as Lois's cousin's son. Christopher spent a lot time on earth, acting as normal kid and attending school with the aid of a miniature red-sun generator developed by Superman and Batman , which was intended to keep his abilities to a normal child's standards for PE Class.
However, he has chosen not to follow his father, instead becoming the new Nightwing. He was adopted by Lois and Clark as Christopher Kent. Main article: Superman: Last Son. While living inside of a transported Kryptonian prison cell known as Fort Rozz , Zod manipulated Phantom Zone technology and created a small space-worthy vessel that could maintain a substantial form and leave the Phantom Zone. As his son was the only Phantom Zoner capable of maintaining a physical form, Zod sent the rocket ship out of the Phantom Zone carrying their young son. The rocket entered Earth's atmosphere and would have crash-landed in the heart of downtown Metropolis, but for the timely arrival of Superman.
Lor zod
Lor-Zod d. March 25, [2] was Dru-Zod and Ursa Zod 's son from the 31st century. He was hell-bent on assassinating Superboy in the past and releasing his parents from the Phantom Zone so that they might conquer the galaxy. Lor-Zod is strongly dedicated and loyal to his father, believing he is the rightful ruler who can bring order to the galaxy. He despises those who are against his father and the House of Zod , but holds his greatest disdain for the Legion of Super-Heroes and the El family for imprisoning his parents in the Phantom Zone. He especially hates Superboy , as he is both an El and whose actions inspired the formation of the Legion.
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These include: Solar Energy Absorption : Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Lor-Zod's super powers as they are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system. Before Lois was able to learn anything, the two flew away to confront a Kryptonian couple on a crime spree. Thara attempted to subdue Jax-Ur and the false deity but even in her Flamebird form, was overpowered. Jax-Ur said that he would save Chris only if Flamebird gives him a sample of her infused blood for him to study. All seemed well but now Jax-Ur had Flamebird's blood sample to experiment on. There, Superboy was tormented by images of what his life would have been like had he become the living weapon Lex Luthor had intended to forge when he cloned Superman. Lor-Zod stunned everyone when he lifted a three-hundred pound television cabinet above his head with no effort. He and his new friend Thara Ak-Var were tasked with finding the rogue crooks that had begun hiding on Earth and rounding them up. Jax-Ur's theft of Chris's DNA and its purpose was soon revealed as he unleashed a replica of the Kryptonian deity Rao to trample and rampage across Earth. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. Chris can teleport himself over vast distances but he can also bring objects with him. When the Commander and his companion drew weapons on the two caped crusaders, Nightwing was unfazed. Lor-Zod and his parents fled Earth and took up refuge on the planet Jekuul which boasted 2 yellow suns. Chris tries to tell Guardian that they did not murder Mon-El, but Guardian ignores him. What if Superman had a younger brother and therefore, not an only child?
The House of Zod was one of the oldest families of Krypton in the original Superman comics, and frequent rivals to the House of El. Young Justice seems to be continuing that tradition by revealing Lor-Zod as Superboy's attempted murderer and by introducing the infamous General Zod as an ironic ally of circumstance.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the category " Green Lantern Villains. As Nightwing, Chris began actively patrolling several American cities. Looking for a different version of this character? Lor-Zod, " as the camera revealed his armor to be emblazed with a red sigil resembling a stylized "Z. Chris and Thara are discovered, and once more forced to flee. Thara attempted to subdue Jax-Ur and the false deity but even in her Flamebird form, was overpowered. He can chill the air as it leaves his lungs to freeze targets. Super Breath Lor-Zod is able to create hurricane force winds by exhaling air from his lungs. Nightwing pursued them, but was forced to let them go in order to save some innocents from a falling bridge. Try Premium. This concept would later be revisited in the twilight hour of the Pre- Flashpoint continuity, doing so with a rather unexpected ally of the Man of Steel.
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