Loom bracelets with beads

In this Instructable I will be teaching you how to make a really simple bead weaving loom out of household scraps and wood pieces. And, I will guide you through the process of making a super unique beaded bracelet. I made two of them which vary in loom bracelets with beads.

Last Updated: September 28, To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 31, times. Learn more So you've experimented with making bracelets with loom bands and making bracelets with beads; now you want to bring the two together to make loom band with beads. Follow these steps to learn how to make loom bands with beads.

Loom bracelets with beads


I let it dry thoroughly overnight.


Bead looms are incredibly useful tools when it comes to creating patterned beadwork. The traditional beading technique is versatile and allows you to make nearly any design you can think of, from graphic patterns to symbols and motifs. To get started, you will first need a bead loom of your choice. Each loom is different depending on the brand, whether that be in size, assembly, and the amount of thread you will need to use in order to complete your project. If the loom is shorter, you will need to stitch two loomed pieces together to make your bracelet.

Loom bracelets with beads

The first time I saw a bead loom bracelet, I knew I had to learn how to make them! I even made my own bead loom bracelet patterns to share with you. I hope you enjoy making them as much as I did. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you click a link and purchase something that I have recommended. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can watch that below. Gently stretch the thread across the loom, putting in a groove on each side as you go. Wrap the thread around the other side of the loom one time. Bring the thread back across the loom, putting it through the groove next in line on each side, and wrap it around the first nail. Continue until you have one more thread than row of beads in your pattern.

Brand vaughan western road hove

Then, I decided to cut four small little rectangles of suede and basically sandwich the end area of thread. Then, I took my fabric glue and I pretty much placed glue all over those end areas to saturate those threads. Yes No. Then take a bead and slide it to the bottom of the string. I created two bracelets and the first one I used a scrap piece of suede as a backing. Continue doing this to the end. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 31, times. Download Article Explore this Article Steps. The next morning, I removed it all from the loom and took a pair of scissors and cut off the excess thread. Then hook the end to the 'S' clip. Thank you for your feedback. If you have a wider piece of wood than what I used, that would be ideal. At the end, put a last band on but don't put a bead on. I let it dry thoroughly overnight. This article has been viewed 31, times.


I then placed the ends underneath the weight of the wood loom and let it dry completely. Not Helpful 5 Helpful Repeat until you reach the end of the bracelet and it is long enough to go around your wrist. I felt it was safe to just got back and forth a few times with the thread. Download Article Explore this Article Steps. But, I managed to get it threaded eventually. Then, use your hand to figure out the thread placement, so the pieces can be separated and the other end tied to the other eye-bolt. Start stringing your loom bands as you would in a fishtail loom. About This Article. Then, pick up the beads with the needle and pull the beads onto the thread and then underneath the warp threads. Then, I fully closed the clasp onto the end piece and trimmed off any excess.

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