lol ustalik

Lol ustalik

Qachonki bu ish tugagach yani jannat ahli jannatga sazovor bolib, dozaxiylar dozaxga hukm qilingachshayton dedi: Albatta, Olloh sizlarga haq vada qilgan lol ustalik. Men esa yolgon vadalar berib, sizlarni aldagan edim, lol ustalik. Lekin men uchun sizlarning ustingizda hech qanday hukmronlik yoq edi, illo men sizlarni kufr yoliga chaqirishim bilanoq ozingiz menga itoat etdingiz. Endi meni emas, ozlaringizni malomat qilingiz.

Sweeping Retribution Cooldown: 4 turns Attacks all enemies. Grants an Extra Turn. Level 2: Cooldown -1 Level 3: Cooldown Below is a reference of the artifacts equipped on Deacon Armstrong optimized for an attack build while crowd-controlling enemies using Stun Set. However, the most important stat for Deacon Armstrong would be having Accuracy and Speed. He needs Accuracy to inflict the Leech debuff, Decrease Defense debuff and apply Decrease Turn Meter on enemies, while Speed allows him to cycle through his skills quickly, which also means that he can use his AoE skill much more often to Stun enemies simultaneously with the Stun Set!

Lol ustalik

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Lol ustalik

Gragas has currently got some seriously insane win rates across multiple roles right now, performing amazingly well in both of the solo lanes and even the jungle too. Karma has tons of damage, amazing waveclear, solid survivability and fantastic utility, making her the perfect pick into any team composition and any draft you come across. Ashe has been performing much better than most players give her credit for recently, and with plenty of nerfs to other S tier bot lane picks like TF and Vayne, Ashe will look to rise out from underneath them!

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Dadasi ham xuddi shu paytda kirib kelgan edi. Bu safar jonholatda baqirdi: Noila!!! Ajab, uyga qachon, kim bilan qaytdi ekan? Kaltak yeb oladigan bolsa, onam allaqachon olib ketardilar, deb qoyardi. Bu yerdan qutulishning boshqa chorasi yoq, deb oyladi. U dostining maqsadini tushundi. Dadamga tegmang! Uning gaplarini barcha maqullagan, lekin uni himoya qilmagan edi. Ukalari ulgayib, siqilib qolishgach, Asadbek shahar ijroqomiga birgina imo bilan togrilab berganini ozi bilmaydi. Elchinning ham qaytganini bilib oylanib qoldi: Oradan on yil otibdimi? Kongli notinch bolganiga qaramay, ottiz birinchi dekabr kuni eski uyiga qarab ketdi.


U hozir xotinining na kiprigiga, na qoshiga qaraydi. Sandal ustini qoplab turgan tort burchakli katta patnisda bir burda non, bir siqim turshak bor edi. Ammo shayton yolidagilar kozimizga kopday korinaveradi. Asadbekning ovozida piching yoki tahdid ohangi yoq edi. Shunda yuziga dadasining koz yoshi tegib, u ham yiglab yubordi. Lekin bu hazin jilmayishini qorongilik yutib yubordi Jalil ham kormadi. Jinoyat qasddan qilinmagan. He is like a Warmaiden that can manipulate turnmeter before the def debuff is cast, with additional speed-aura and great base speed of Anvar bir qarorga kela olmay dogda edi. Ularning, hatto Asadbekning ham hamiyatiga tegadi.

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