liveleak stoning

Liveleak stoning

A pregnant woman has been stoned to death by her own family outside a courthouse in the Pakistani city of Lahore for marrying a man her family disapproved of. Farzana Parveen, a year-old, was killed while on her way to court to contest an abduction case her family had filed liveleak stoning her husband. Liveleak stoning marriages are common among conservative Pakistanis, and hundreds of women are murdered every year in so-called honour killings carried ist adese by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behaviour. Stonings in public settings, however, liveleak stoning, are extremely rare.

The Islamic State IS group has released an undated video that appears to show an elderly Syrian man stone his daughter to death for alleged adultery. A UK-based Syria monitoring group said it took place in central Hama province but could not confirm the date. The video's authenticity could not be independently verified by the BBC. IS is known for employing brutal tactics in areas under its control in Syria and Iraq, including mass killings of religious and ethnic minorities. The group has increasingly posted video clips online of public executions carried out on people living under its strict implementation of Islamic law, or Sharia, including the beheadings of captured soldiers and foreign journalists.

Liveleak stoning

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing stones with increasing intensity at a covered individual crammed in a hole in the ground. A crowd of onlookers are seen capturing the incident on their mobile phones and a woman's pitiful cries can plainly be heard. Local official Mohammad Zaman Azimi, in a previous report , blamed Taliban militants for the execution. Azimi said the woman, identified as year-old Rokhshana, was stoned to death after being accused of having premarital sex with her fiance, a year-old man named Mohammad Gul, who was reportedly lashed. It was unclear why the young woman would have received a more severe punishment, although Taliban and religious courts in the past have been more lenient toward men. Azimi added that the stoning took place in the village of Ghalmin on the outskirts of Firoz Koh, the provincial capital. Unmarried girls in Afghanistan are often restricted to their homes and banned from having contact with men outside their immediate families. Death by stoning for convicted adulterers is banned under Afghan law, although adulterers face long prison terms. The penal code, originating in , makes no provision for the use of stoning. Afghanistan's Constitution prescribes that "no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam" and sometimes appears at odds with more liberal and democratic elements within it. Capital punishment was widely practiced by the Taliban regime, which ruled much of the country from , when convicted adulterers were routinely shot or stoned in executions conducted in front of large crowds.

Afghan officials often blame the Taliban for such punishments, liveleak stoning. The Taliban held the public execution of two men accused of murder in southeastern Afghanistan on February

Man and woman executed for adultry despite the wishes of villagers. A few dozen spectators — people from the local community -- start throwing rocks at the woman, who had already been placed in a 4-foot-deep hole. They throw with relish and yell, "Allah akbar. At one point a large rock strikes her head and she falls down, her burqa red with blood. After the rock throwing ends, a few people debate whether she should be shot. Eventually one of the spectators shoots her with an AK

Donations from readers like you allow us to do what we do. Please help us continue our work with a monthly or one-time donation. ISIS Member : You are the first woman in this area on whom we are implementing the punishment of stoning for adultery. We hope that this will serve as a lesson for other women. This punishment is the result of the actions you did of your free will. Nobody forced you to do this. Therefore, you should be satisfied with the ruling decreed by Allah, and submit to Allah. Islam means submission and obedience to Allah, okay? Are you pleased with the punishment decreed by Allah?

Liveleak stoning

The two-minute clip shows a group of men throwing stones with increasing intensity at a covered individual crammed in a hole in the ground. A crowd of onlookers are seen capturing the incident on their mobile phones and a woman's pitiful cries can plainly be heard. Local official Mohammad Zaman Azimi, in a previous report , blamed Taliban militants for the execution. Azimi said the woman, identified as year-old Rokhshana, was stoned to death after being accused of having premarital sex with her fiance, a year-old man named Mohammad Gul, who was reportedly lashed. It was unclear why the young woman would have received a more severe punishment, although Taliban and religious courts in the past have been more lenient toward men. Azimi added that the stoning took place in the village of Ghalmin on the outskirts of Firoz Koh, the provincial capital. Unmarried girls in Afghanistan are often restricted to their homes and banned from having contact with men outside their immediate families. Death by stoning for convicted adulterers is banned under Afghan law, although adulterers face long prison terms. The penal code, originating in , makes no provision for the use of stoning.

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The first confirmed public execution after the Taliban's return to power in August was carried out in December in Farah Province. Emphasizing the grave situation of women and girls under the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, the five-member panel of experts from Mexico, the United States, China, Serbia, and Uganda said the step is long overdue. With her father bedridden and her two brothers working in neighboring Iran, she has been forced to take care of the family's needs. Active in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere, the network allows Iran to create chaos in enemy territory while maintaining a position of plausible deniability that it is directly involved. The Taliban has long had a representative office in Qatar. February 23, The year-old said women also need to have a male escort to visit a doctor, go to government offices, or even rent a house. They left the country along with the U. Load more. The Taliban's attitude is deeply insulting and extremely aggressive. In , there was a government proposal to reintroduce public stoning as punishment for adultery. Afghanistan is an Islamic country and Ghor is one of the provinces of Afghanistan, and we cannot disobey what the law of Islam and our constitution says.

WITH stonings, beheadings and being shot with assault rifles at point blank range, the women of Afghanistan face being left to a horrific fate. Taliban forces are surging across the country at an alarming rate after Western forces abandoned the nation after 20 years of war and seemingly futile attempts at rebuilding it.

A UK-based Syria monitoring group said it took place in central Hama province but could not confirm the date. While Qomi did not specify who or which group could send a "martyrdom-seeking" brigade to Gaza, Iran has been previously accused of sending Afghans to fight in its proxy wars. Afghanistan was ranked nd out of countries in the Corruption Perception Index. Some Afghans who have been detained by the Turkish police in the past claim that they were tortured by the security forces during their detention. She expressed hope that hers and other women's voices will "finally be heard, that this issue will be followed up on, and indeed someone" will take up the cause of Afghan women, who are routinely discriminated against and isolated under the hard-line fundamentalist Taliban. A former British diplomat and NATO representative in Afghanistan says he is not optimistic about the situation in the war-torn country as its Taliban leaders continue to restrict rights and freedoms, especially for women. They left the country along with the U. Don't forget to send me any questions, comments, or tips that you have. What's Next: Given the Taliban's opposition to a political dialogue and its insistence on imposing its harsh rule through brute force, most of the international community is likely to support the appointment of a special envoy. The Taliban's mahram rules prohibit women from leaving their home without a male chaperone, often a husband or a close relative such as a father, brother, or uncle. Finding Perspective: U. February 18, The possible appointment of a special UN envoy to Afghanistan will be one of the key issues discussed at the meeting, which will bring together the special representatives for Afghanistan from various countries.

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