listen360 pricing

Listen360 pricing

Listen provides you with the insights you need to make smarter business decisions, listen360 pricing which aspects of your customer experience to improve and which will have the biggest impact on your business, listen360 pricing. With real-time detractor alerts and nightly email listen360 pricing, Listen helps you listen closely, respond quickly, and cultivate the kind of loyalty that results in personal recommendations from your happy customers. Rather than trying to assess loyalty after a single transaction, Listen measures customer sentiment over time to ensure that you are consistently delivering a customer experience that secures loyalty — gaming pc ozbargain profit — for the long haul. Easy to implement and use at every location and level within an organization, listen360 pricing, the Listen customer engagement software platform has delivered more than 28 million customer insights to more than 40, businesses around the globe.

Powerful platform facilitating comprehensive customer management and feedback capturing. Not available. Premium Plans Quotation Based. Listen Custom. Please confirm with the vendor website before purchasing. How much does Listen cost?

Listen360 pricing

Successful Home Inspectors rely on client and agent feedback. This is a fraction of what other review services charge, and way less than one inspection fee. Listen is a cloud-based survey program that is available through Horizon, with no installations or hardware required. Horizon offers Home Inspectors cost-effective access to this program to help ensure their success within the Home Inspection industry — more proof that Horizon helps Home Inspectors. Now, you can get more reviews posted on Google and Yelp. Promoters that rate you a 9 or 10 are invited to post their Listen review on Google or Yelp. Simply provide us with your Google Maps link and Yelp link to set this up. If you are set up with Listen, you can even stream testimonials to your website or to facebook! Back to home. Accounts and Billing. Company Settings. Schedule Inspections.

Excellent Customer Feedback Tool. Changes may apply to any personal information we already hold about you and any new personal information collected after the Policy is modified, listen360 pricing. Without listen360 pricing processing, we may not be able to ensure your continued enjoyment of part or all of our Services.

Listen is a comprehensive customer engagement platform that has an omnidirectional approach as per their nomenclature. Apply business intelligence obtained by insights to revolutionise the customer experience. Create bespoke personalised journeys to customise interest in your brand. Monitor your progress with various visitor activity tracking to ensure profitability. Unfortunately, a common complaint tends to be their disorganised dashboard cum interface. This protracts the process of accessing features or executing an actionable operation. Their functionality is further compounded by problems with report pulling which can also be perplexing.

With the advent of technology, there are now numerous tools available to help businesses gather and analyze feedback effectively. One such tool is Listen, a customer feedback management software that aims to help businesses unleash the power of customer feedback to drive growth and improve customer satisfaction. In this review, we will delve into what Listen does and explore its key features, pricing, ratings, pros, cons, and alternatives. Listen is a comprehensive customer feedback management software that enables businesses to collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback in real-time. It provides businesses with a platform to gather feedback from various touchpoints, including in-person interactions, online reviews, and surveys.

Listen360 pricing

Listen provides you with the insights you need to make smarter business decisions, determine which aspects of your customer experience to improve and which will have the biggest impact on your business. With real-time detractor alerts and nightly email summaries, Listen helps you listen closely, respond quickly, and cultivate the kind of loyalty that results in personal recommendations from your happy customers. Rather than trying to assess loyalty after a single transaction, Listen measures customer sentiment over time to ensure that you are consistently delivering a customer experience that secures loyalty — alongside profit — for the long haul. Easy to implement and use at every location and level within an organization, the Listen customer engagement software platform has delivered more than 28 million customer insights to more than 40, businesses around the globe. By accessing or using the Services, you warrant and represent that you accept the data practices and terms detailed in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please discontinue your access or use of the Services immediately.


We will also take steps to delete the information as soon as possible, unless an exception applies. Sentiment Analysis. The customer support is also incredibly slow, taking days to respond to simple inquiries. The interface is outdated and clunky, making it difficult to navigate. Any transmission of Personal Information is at your own risk. Listen, Inc. We collect Personal Information from and about Visitors to our Sites, we collect Personal Information from and about Clients and Client Users through our Sites and Services, and we collect Personal Information from and about Respondents and other individuals who do business with and provide feedback about Clients that use our Services. Request a Demo. Makers Want more customers? Analytics Allows integration with other analytical tools or has it inbuilt. I'm not happy with Listen Customer Information: We collect Personal Information about your customers when you import or otherwise enter it into our systems as part of using the Services to request feedback from these customers about your products and services and other interactions with your company. Right to Object to Processing. The customer service team is also very helpful and responsive. To have any Personal Information permanently deleted from Listen systems, you must make an official request in writing by emailing [email protected] and include the specific information that you would like permanently deleted from Listen systems.

Customer Support. Value for money. Health, Wellness and Fitness, , employees.

Listen Pricing Free Trial Not available. The interface is outdated and clunky, making it difficult to navigate. Tell us a little bit about you, and one of our experts will contact you to schedule a demo. Performance Performance. Others Others. For more details, read our Privacy Policy. Terms and conditions. Terms and conditions Privacy policy Sitemap. When we fulfill your individual rights requests for correct or rectification , erasure or restriction of processing, we will notify third parties also handling the relevant personal information unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. For Security Purposes: We process your Personal Information to enhance the security of our Services and to combat spam, malware or other security risks. Where we have given you or where you have chosen a password for access to certain parts of our Sites or the Service, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. Follow Up with Customers, Automatically. To Share Client Feedback: We may publish the feedback you provide to us about Listen, our Sites and Services, on our social media sites and feeds i.

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