list of supermans powers

List of supermans powers

Superman is not just the world's first superhero, he is also, list of supermans powers, in many ways, its best. When he was first created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the Man of Steel presented an optimistic ideal that the country could aspire to. He fought injustice, bigotry, and the many evils that could be found in the world of s America.

He's the last son of a doomed planet, and the world's first superhero He's the ultimate protector of the downtrodden, the oppressed and the defenseless. He's a symbol of hope in a world that's becoming increasingly hopeless. He's an enduring icon that transcends the barriers of language, race, religion and culture. He's the ultimate immigrant success story and an inspirational figure both within and without the fictional universe in which he resides. He's also quite possibly the ultimate figure of wish fulfillment. Since he was unleashed upon the world in Action Comics 1 in June he's wowed audiences with his thrilling adventures and dazzling array of powers.

List of supermans powers

When he was first introduced in Action Comics 1 , back in April by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, Superman set the precedent for what comic book readers would come to expect from superheroes - planting early seeds that, over the course of 80 years, would grow into some of the biggest brands in pop culture history. Marvel Studios might have been the first to get a shared comic book movie universe off the ground but long before Stan Lee introduced the world to Avenger heroes like Iron Man and Spider-Man, Superman was wowing readers and later TV viewers with other-wordly abilities - and, above all else, a moral commitment to protecting human life. Throughout the character's many comic book, TV, movie, and video game incarnations, the Man of Steel has faced numerous challenges even death but with a god-like set of superpowers, the hero usually comes out victorious. Now, thanks to Warner Bros. In honor of the titular face-off in Batman V Superman , we're unpacking Kal-El's superpower arsenal, taking a look back at the coolest Superman abilities in comic books and movies - some of which are more canonized than others. As usual, our list is not all-inclusive, so make sure to share your favorite powers in the comment section. As the Superman character developed over the years, DC writers have attempted to provide real world-based explanations for the hero's super powers. Originally, the reason behind Superman's abilities was not detailed beyond his extra-terrestrial heritage ; however, the modern Superman receives his abilities from stored-up solar energy - via Earth's yellow sun. Superman's body metabolizes energy from the sun similar to how humans metabolize energy from their food , then uses that energy to fuel his various super powers with the added benefit of slowing the kryptonian's aging. Like most life forms, Superman can also store excess energy for later use and most versions of the character can access Kal-El's primary power set without intentional absorption of energy since some yellow sun rays reach Earth naturally. However, in certain situations Superman can choose to over-charge, granting him additional abilities - and, when needed, enhanced healing. Conversely, if the Kryptonian over- uses his super powers without the chance to recharge, he can exhaust his reserve energy - becoming weakened and even vulnerable to injury. While Superman's ability to absorb solar energy grants him access to a wide-variety of supernatural abilities more on those later , several of Kal-El's key powers are mostly heightened read: solar power-enhanced versions of normal human sensation - allowing the Kryptonian to see, hear, smell, and speak farther than a normal person, by comparison. Campy applications of superhuman sensory such as animal-like smelling capability and cross-planet-ventriloquism were abandoned in favor of highlighting Superman's enhanced vision and listening - allowing the hero to see as well as hear farther, and with more specificity, than local Earthlings.

Also, he can make his eyes go all red and glowy without actually unleashing the zappy part of the heat vision, which list of supermans powers a very effective intimidation tactic. Was shown to be able to grab people at speed faster than person can pull a trigger on a gun while smashing through the walls in process without killing similarly to Action Comics 14 andlist of supermans powers, as was definitively confirmed later on by the director. As a result, Clark is very familiar and adept with his powers and has developed a fighting style that takes full advantage of them.

The extent of his powers peaked during the s and s to the point where various writers found it difficult to create suitable challenges for the character. As a result his powers were significantly reduced when his story was rebooted by writer John Byrne after the Crisis on Infinite Earths series. After Byrne's departure, Superman's powers were gradually increased again, although he still remains weaker than his pre- Crisis incarnation. Over the course of the character's existence of more than 70 years, Superman has—at some point or another—had various combinations of the following powers and abilities. The levels of those individual powers and abilities have also changed in intensity, from "merely" enhanced above that of normal humans to truly god-like. Some added as the character evolved, others toned down and restricted in later eras. Superman's age has varied through his history in comics.

Superman is a superhero published by DC Comics since An alien named Kal-El from the destroyed planet Krypton. Growing up as Clark Kent, he devoted his life to helping others with the abilities he developed from Earth's sun. Moving to Metropolis , he became Superman , while still maintaining his secret identity as Clark Kent, who works at the Daily Planet newspaper. Superman's birthday is February 29 th. In real life it is accepted that Action Comics 1 first came out in 18th April , therefore it is celebrated as one of character's "day", another one is on June 12 declared by special committee in in Cleveland, Ohio the residence of Superman's creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. In the original Siegel and Shuster stories, Superman's personality is rough and aggressive. He was seen stepping in to stop wife beaters, profiteers, a lynch mob and gangsters, with rather rough edges and a looser moral code than we may be used to today.

List of supermans powers

Superman is one of the biggest and most popular heroes in the comic book world, partly because he's been around so long, but also because of his huge list of powers. If you count the power of flight, strength, heat vision, freeze breath, invulnerability, super-speed and X-ray vision, he has more powers than all the members of some super-teams have put together. While some people say that makes him boring or overpowered, Superman's fans know it's a big part of what makes him awesome. One reason Superman has so many powers is that, when he was first created, the writers would just give him whatever powers he needed at the time. Over time, some powers were phased out and new abilities were added. He has had so many superpowers that some fans might have missed them.

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His immune system also provides a defense against virtually all forms of Earth disease, which is broken very rarely temporarily by an artificially created and fatal-to-humans virus in "Scare", and once again in "Sneeze", presumably due to Clark's loss of his powers during his time in the Phantom Zone. This energy powers most of Superman's electromagnetic capabilities such as flight and heat vision. Kryptonian cells do not deteriorate at the same rate as ours and resultant Superman has been shown to remain trim and youthful while his DC contemporaries have succumbed to old age. Thus, Kryptonians were shown using the same powers that Superman would have on Earth. In particular, The Death of Superman saw Kal-El's critically injured body returned to the Fortress of Solitude and placed inside the regeneration matrix to be rejuvenated - a feat that required both the hero's inherent regenerative power coupled with advanced technology. He's used it to find people trapped in burning buildings, identify weaknesses in his adversaries, and even used it to identify the color of Lois Lane's underwear with her implicit consent, of course. As previously explained, Superman's strength as well as endurance are derived from stored solar energy - which provide fuel to his inherently dense molecular structure and bio-electric aura, allowing Kal-El to move with superhuman force all without injury to himself. He can become "supercharged" and exceed his "normal" power levels as evident when his power absorption ability ran amok which needed the Parasite to drain off his excessive power levels. Clark's body is bruised but not pierced by bullets and does not immediately heal in early episodes. His speed was also reduced so that he could not exceed the speed of light. No single explanation for the power exists; though, the most "scientific" theory suggests the ability is a hyper-focused variation of Kal-El's super-sight - specifically that Superman can perceive the resonance of cosmic radiation as it bounces off of solid matter. In the sixth season's "The Mysterious Cube", Superman learns how to walk through solid matter. Theoretically, most incarnations of the character has unlimited stamina as his enhanced nourishment is produced from the solar energy his cells process. Neo Encyclopedia Wiki Explore. Still, other Superman writers have provided a more straightforward explantation: Superman can simply manipulate his personal gravitational field, allowing him to outright defy gravity - e.

The powers of the DC Comics character Superman have changed a great deal since his introduction in the s.

He can see things behind a wall as if the wall were not there, or can "peel back" layer after layer of matter in his mind. Flying high above the bustling streets of Metropolis, Superman's hearing alerts him to the cries of citizens in peril. In one story in an attempt to rescue an unconscious Supergirl from being hurled out of the universe at a tremendous speed , Superman traveled faster than he'd ever moved before, managing to break through multiple dimensions and barriers before being stopped by the Spectre , who stated Superman was passing "toward realms no mortal eye may be permitted to behold. Superman has shown feats of strength such as; being seen lifting an enormous pyramid and flying it to Mars without any strain which can weigh millions and millions of tons depending on their size , he is so strong that he is capable of ripping off the arm of the likes of Darkseid and physically defeating him in combat,he has been able to move the planet Earth away from the Sun while a powerful Cosmic Entity, Starbreaker was pushing it toward the Sun, he is so strong he possesses the strength necessary shatter entire worlds. It not only knocked Clark unconscious but robbed him of his powers for around 24 hours while he recharged, rendering him completely human. Fans who have long lamented this power's absence in the DCEU were delighted to see its return in this year's Justice League. Kryptonian cells do not deteriorate at the same rate as ours and resultant Superman has been shown to remain trim and youthful while his DC contemporaries have succumbed to old age. Also like in most depictions, Superman's powers are dependent on the light of a yellow sun, and he loses his powers when exposed to light from a red sun. On the TV series The Adventures of Superman , in addition to his conventional powers, Superman also demonstrated some one-time-only powers; in the first season episode "Rescue", he develops the abili ty to split himself into two slightly weaker Supermans. Super Strength. One of these planet-powered beams was a plasma beam capable of leveling a huge city a few times over entirely with a single blast. While Action Comics 1 Superman's first appearance is cover-dated June , Superman's in-universe birthday has varied over the years. Moreover, social groups who are downtrodden and oppressed often create wish fulfillment fantasies about characters who possess the power and agency that is denied them.

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