Linus tech tips onlyfans

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Linus tech tips onlyfans

Linus blatantly displays his mistreatment of employees on his various shows. Outright calling them to task while live streaming. FirmwareBurner 7 months ago parent next [—]. Greedy, sleezy, exploitative, too full of himself. At least in the past he wasn't pretending to be professional reviewer, and was just having fun with his goofball friends doing crazy experiments in his garage like heating your house with your PC, or daisy-chaining the maximum number pf PCI-E extenders for fun experiments, or water-cooling their Red cinema camera, and those were entertaining. But now he doesn't even do content like that anymore and became just an influencer farming out low quality click bait content "I'm reviewing the cheapest junk off AliExpress" from his media empire built on the sweat of exploiting gullible young people who look up to him and aspire to be like him, while pleading poverty and pretending to be an accurate source of information because he now owns a lab and testing equipment, but has no qualified staff on hand because qualified technical staff costs real money and doesn't like being exploited for peanuts just to get followers on their Instagram accounts. I feel sorry for their staff and for the younger viewers who will grow up with such junk as their source for tech information. MichaelZuo 6 months ago root parent next [—]. I've noticed this happens quite a lot even with folks that seemed moderately likable when they were younger, they become sleazy prima donnas when given even a small amount of fame or fortune. This is a funny take, Linus Tate lol, a little unhinged though. Apocryphon 6 months ago root parent prev next [—]. Hey wait. He had one of them hold a monitor for him during a video, literally used his employee as a table stand.

That is an amazing thumbnail lmao.


The tech landscape, usually a realm of innovation and progress, has recently been shaken by a rough turn of events called the Linus Tech Tips controversy or Madison LTT drama now. Linus Media Group LTT , a prominent tech media entity known for its engaging content, now finds itself entangled in a complex web of controversy. The allegations brought to light by former employee Madison Suop SuopOnYoutube have ignited a far-reaching discourse that raises profound questions about workplace culture, ethics, and industry standards. Her social media posts highlight unrealistic expectations and allude to demeaning language from upper management. When I would reach out to managers and try to get help with these situations, I would be told to "put on my big girl pants" and be "more assertive". The emerging narrative underscores a disturbing series of incidents that go beyond mere content analysis, delving into the heart of workplace dynamics. Imagine how you would feel trying to say anything when THAT is the exact response you would be given. Among the disheartening accounts she disclosed are instances of body shaming comments, homophobic insults, and other forms of harassment. As the layers of Linus Tech Tips controversy are peeled back, a broader conversation has emerged, shedding light on the treatment of employees within the tech industry. I was also expected to manage, plan, come up with, execute, get approval for, and schedule out all the sponsored content on socials not including YouTube.

Linus tech tips onlyfans

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Oct 25, 55, Topgamer7 6 months ago root parent prev next [—]. Trending Threads. Trending Threads. Holy Shit I clicked on the only fans link. Simply Sami said:. Pyro God help us the mods are making weekend threads Member. Pxtl 6 months ago root parent next [—]. Oct 25, 3, Open new ticket Watched. Izunavis Member. Also possibly considering the narcissists that use ADHD as a cover for their behavior. Forget dropping thousand dollar GPUs, man is dropping his pants.


Mar 19, 4, I love it! Just the tips? Apocryphon 6 months ago root parent prev next [—]. EssBeeVee Member. Oct 27, 20, He had one of them hold a monitor for him during a video, literally used his employee as a table stand. He should have just let the new ceo handle this pr nightmare. Who would hire him to be CTO anywhere else? Top Gear insults a lot of people too. Deleted member Banned. Now I like him more.

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