line mar toys japan

Line mar toys japan

Linemar was a prominent toy and model manufacturer based in the United States.

Celluloid Doll. Casio Watch. Kobe Toy. Gi Joe. Airplane Bed. Bill Mcmullen.

Line mar toys japan

Show: ending soonest price highest price lowest new items best match. This page contains affiliate links. I might earn a small commission if you buy through these links. The Japanese company was responsible for overseas manufacturing and distribution relationships involving the importation of mechanical and battery-operated toys made in Japan. Marx was able to secure several important character licenses, such as Popeye and the Flintstones and had the toys made in Japan to keep the cost down. This meant huge profits when the tin toys were sold in the US. Linemar continued to produce a variety of character toys until it went out of business in the late s. Mechanical toys produced by Linemar include a variety of licensed character toys that performed multiple actions when the toys were wound. The packaging was always colorful and eye-catching. Nowadays, Linemar toys are highly collectible and can be expensive.

There's not a scratch on the litho. It depends on state and if it's complete with box and demand of course but certainly between and USD. There are a lot of experts out there who might help you!


Show: ending soonest price highest price lowest new items best match. This page contains affiliate links. I might earn a small commission if you buy through these links. The Japanese company was responsible for overseas manufacturing and distribution relationships involving the importation of mechanical and battery-operated toys made in Japan. Marx was able to secure several important character licenses, such as Popeye and the Flintstones and had the toys made in Japan to keep the cost down. This meant huge profits when the tin toys were sold in the US. Linemar continued to produce a variety of character toys until it went out of business in the late s.

Line mar toys japan


Costco car racks

They were created and hand made. Link to photos on Facebook. Mother goose kiddie kapers educational wall plaques. Shows wear, fr Hi, I have a linemar "flapping ears bubbling pup" in the original box. Can you tell me if there one been sold before and how much? In original condition, with minor wear. However, what you could is join one or a few of the larger tin toy collectors groups on Facebook. His was marked Linmar. Can you provide me with any information on this particular toy and an estimate of the value. Can you tell me anything about this and value?? Damian Gonzales. The paint is flaking off in some spots.


This object is. Marx was able to secure several important character licenses, such as Popeye and the Flintstones and had the toys made in Japan to keep the cost down. One was sold in August on eBay for USD , but with a crack in the dome, so you got a nice piece here! Nowadays, Linemar toys are highly collectible and can be expensive. I have a s Line Mar lady bug. It is about 7 inches and it's body is divided by a spring almost resembling a slinky. Nice addition to your classical Asian inspired interiors and table tops. Gi Joe. Japanese Shoe Storage. Thank you! I've got a linemar Pluto pull toy.

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