Lindas mum eastenders actress

By Milly Veitch For Mailonline. The long-awaited return happened right at the end of the episode and ended on a cliffhanger. Elaine strutted her way into the Queen Vic to the surprise of Linda, who was mid-argument with Sharon Watts. Shocking: Elaine strutted her way into the Queen Vic to the surprise of Linda, who lindas mum eastenders actress mid-argument with Sharon Watts.

Kellie Denise Bright born 1 July [2] is an English actress. After The Upper Hand had finished, Bright has said that she struggled to make ends meet. She says, "I didn't have any acting work, so I got a job waiting on tables to pay the mortgage, but it was while The Upper Hand was still on air. Next thing I know, a customer had called a newspaper saying I was there and some photographers appeared out of the blue snapping away. She continued, "I was getting rejected from one job after another and no matter how much I tried not to take it personally, a part of me couldn't help but think: 'I was too ugly to get that part'. The Carter family were created by the show's executive producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins who planned to completely revamp the show.

Lindas mum eastenders actress

Elaine Peacock has already ruffled feathers as she made her dramatic return to BBC soap Eastenders, but fans have pointed out she looks far different to how she did previously. We have more newsletters. However, her return to Walford as Harriet Thorpe has welcomed a very different side to her. After arriving in time for Sharon Letitia Dean to feel slighted by her best pal Linda after being snubbed from ownership of the Vic, she knew how to ruffle feathers. But more recently, it seems Elaine is the one in the firing line. Daily Star has just the thing for you! With her husband-to-be George's ex wife, Cindy Beale, returning to Albert Square, things have been tough. And just after Cindy started getting in with the family again, she fumes at Elaine outside The Vic, showing her true colours once again. But as fans watch Elaine's attempt to navigate this challenging new time with George, his ex and their two daughters, we look back at Elaine's past self, who came to support Linda. Almost immediately after Elaine made her grand return to the show earlier this year, fans of the BBC show immediately realised something was different about the character, who last appeared on the show in

Months later, Linda begins feeling sick and discovers she is pregnant. Without saying anything, Linda leaves the pub. View history Talk 0.

Speaking at a press event to launch the Knight family , actress Harriet Thorpe discussed Elaine's presence in the show and what she brings to the table. Describing her vision of Elaine, Thorpe revealed: "Elaine loves life and she loves her family and her daughter and she loves her new family. And yeah, she isn't afraid to put the cat amongst the pigeons. But I think she's just She has a family around her who she loves. So what else do we need?

EastEnders describes her character as larger than life and 'set to ruffle some feathers at The Vic. She's a glamorous landlady, who loves to be the centre of attention - and having successfully run her own pub for years, it is something she excels at. Working alongside Kellie Bright and the rest of the Carter clan has been an absolute joy. It has also been a lovely experience to take my West End shoes East for a short trip! The mother and daughter are reportedly two pears from a pod and while there relationship is fraught, if you've met Elaine 'everything about Linda makes perfect sense'. One person who always has time for Elaine is her son in law, Mick.

Lindas mum eastenders actress

NOTE: Please do not add content from the BBC iPlayer's early episodes until it has been aired on television, as it is intrusive to our readers who may not have seen the episode on iPlayer. Repeated intentional offences of this rule could lead to a ban, Many thanks the EastEnders Wiki admin team. She made her first appearance on 14 October and last on 30 June , however she returned on 10 May She was originally portrayed by Maria Friedman , but was recast to Harriet Thorpe. Mick Carter calls her to Walford for the first time in October when Linda starts acting strangely, refusing to be intimate with him and complaining of migraines. Elaine convinces Linda to dress up and work the bar during a musical bingo night run by her granddaughter Nancy Carter , and later becomes suspicious when she notices tension between her daughter and Dean Wicks. She accuses Linda of having an affair with him, revealing that she cheated on Linda's deceased father John before his death. Linda denies this passionately and Elaine believes her, but still sensing something is wrong, warns Dean to stay away from Linda.

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Mick tells them that Dean raped Linda, but she overhears. On 1 June , it is revealed that Elaine was calling her partner, George Knight. Days out. Elderly patients are being 'treated like animals' and left to lie in their own urine on overstretched NHS Group Red Bull Racing. Tina reveals that he abused her and another person Dylan Box Ricci Harnett when they were teenagers, and she attacks him. In February , there was a flashforward scene which saw Linda, alongside Sharon, Kathy, Suki, Stacey and Denise in the Vic looking over a dead body revealing a Christmas Day murder would occur. Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later. She also has made cameos in movies including Calendar Girls in , where she took on the role of Brenda Mooney. Linda then attempts to seduce Stuart to record a confession from him, but he finds the recording device.

Kellie Denise Bright born 1 July [2] is an English actress. After The Upper Hand had finished, Bright has said that she struggled to make ends meet. She says, "I didn't have any acting work, so I got a job waiting on tables to pay the mortgage, but it was while The Upper Hand was still on air.

Visit our dedicated EastEnders page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers. Pointless Celebrities. The horrifying and uncomfortable Ozempic side effects that left me bedbound How Kate Middleton 'created Mother's Day picture on Photoshop': Metadata reveals Princess 'edited image on Max tries to convince Linda to move to New Zealand with him and, after another rejection from Mick, she decides to go. She also moved the crisps and rearranges the barrel store, all of these actions annoy Linda. And yeah, she isn't afraid to put the cat amongst the pigeons. Dean is arrested by the police but released after questioning and accuses Linda of lying. When Linda and Ollie now played by Harry Farr return, she is surprised when she discovers the amount of changes that have happened. The Upper Hand. During a heated exchange with Linda where Shirley is present, Dean admits that he raped Linda. She has a family around her who she loves. The Vic needs strong women running it, and I want to honour the incredible, iconic queens who define EastEnders since the beginning.

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