lily evans potter

Lily evans potter

Lilian J. Eventualmente, eles tiveram um filho, Harrydo qual fizeram de Sirius seu padrinho, lily evans potter. Lily comprou a varinha de Ollivanders no Beco Diagonal aos onze anos. O jovem casal foi escolhido para serem monitores-chefe.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Lily J. She learned of her magical nature as a child, after Severus Snape recognised her as a witch and told her of the existence of magic. Lily attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from to In her seventh year she was made Head Girl and began dating James Potter.

Lily evans potter

She was born 30 January and died on 31 October at age She was quite young, 19 years old, when she became pregnant with Harry, giving birth to him at Harry has been told that his parents had been killed in a car crash, which is why he was living with his aunt and uncle. In the hut on the rock, when Rubeus Hagrid arrives, there is a fair amount of discussion about Lily. Petunia Dursley , her sister, bitterly recounts how proud everyone else was that they had a witch in the family, and of the way she would come home with pockets full of frog spawn and do magic in the house, but she Petunia saw Lily for what she was: a freak. Hagrid is shocked that anyone could have believed that James and Lily could have died in a car crash, tells Harry that they were murdered by the evil wizard Voldemort , and mentions that James and Lily were head boy and head girl. Lily's image along with her husband James's appears in the Mirror of Erised when Harry finds it the first time at Christmas. A large number of pictures of Lily and James are in the photo album given to Harry by Hagrid just before Harry leaves the school for the summer. Harry, in talking with Professor Lupin about Dementors , mentions that when they approach him, he can hear Voldemort murdering his mother. Lupin is apparently moved by this revelation.

A number of times in the series, we hear that Harry inherited his mother's eyes, and it seems her personality, and good heart and soul.


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Lily evans potter

Rowling and Warner Bros. Fans have been creating transformative works within the Harry Potter universe since the very beginning. In more recent years, this has taken the form of fan films made available via YouTube and other streaming platforms. While they vary in quality, they all bring something new to this beloved fictional universe. Here are nine Harry Potter fan films to check out…. Ad — content continues below. With three parts lasting about 20 minutes in total in The Eleventh Hour , this fan film world is easy to catch up on.

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But you're just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Study questions are meant to be left for each student to answer; please don't answer them here. O jovem casal foi escolhido para serem monitores-chefe. She and James were betrayed by Pettigrew and were murdered by Voldemort on Hallowe'en night in , while trying to protect their son. She pushed her long hair back as she drew closer to him, and her green eyes, so like his, searched his face hungrily, as though she would never be able to look at him enough. When her son was born, she cared and loved him more than anything in the world, even to the point where she sacrificed her own life to save him. Although his refusal was kind, Petunia became very bitter and jealously deemed her sister a "freak", even saying that their separation would be better for her safety. Lupin later comments that Harry looks extraordinarily like his father, except for his eyes. Bathilda was the only one to join the Potters during Harry's birthday tea when he turned one year old, doting her son. This led to her agreeing to go out with him; gaining genuine affection for him in the process. I can't believe it

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Lily J. She learned of her magical nature as a child, after Severus Snape recognised her as a witch and told her of the existence of magic.

He also witnessed Snape calling Lily a Mudblood, which instigated the end of their friendship. Minerva McGonagall , seu ex-chefe de casa e professor. In Harry's fourth year, Wormtail had placed Voldemort's rudimentary body into a cauldron containing the nearly finished potion. However, this action also bound Harry's life to Voldemort again but inversely: Harry couldn't die as long as Voldemort still lived, which ironically meant he couldn't kill the boy. Lupin is apparently moved by this revelation. Thus, Harry became known as the "Boy Who Lived", and his fate was sealed. Lily tells him that he has been so brave, and the four of them accompany Harry to the clearing where Voldemort and his Death Eaters wait. The few times Harry ever saw his parents were in pictures given to him by Rubeus Hagrid , through a vision within the Mirror of Erised , as spectral forms which came out of Voldemort's wand during Priori Incantatem , as stored memories within the Pensieve, and again as spectral forms when he "recalled" them during the Battle of Hogwarts , by using the Resurrection Stone. In her seventh year she was made Head Girl and began dating James Potter. In turn, Snape was quite insulting to Petunia for being a Muggle. After Hogwarts, Lily married James. In an attempt to stay hidden from Argus Filch , the school caretaker , Harry stumbled upon the classroom where the mirror was being stored. Harry then drops the Stone, and the four shades vanish.

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