leviticus 25 44-46

Leviticus 25 44-46

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Updated: Apr 19, Leviticus You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly. At first glance, when someone presents you with Leviticus , or perhaps Exodus , your belief in a loving and just God may be significantly stirred. Exodus Is the Bible saying you can buy slaves and beat them half to death?

Leviticus 25 44-46

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, as the saying goes. Perhaps this is also how you tackle the vexing problem of slavery in the Bible: one text at a time. In fact, that is exactly what I intend to do—examine one Israelite slave text in the Pentateuch: Leviticus — This text and its reception are fraught with difficulty. It had everything: not only the sanction of slavery but also a reference to buying slaves, keeping them as a possession, and then passing them on as an inheritance forever. Enjoying this article? Read more from The Biblical Mind. Most strikingly, a reader might wonder if this text allowed the ancient Israelites to abuse their foreign chattel slaves. Leviticus —46 states,. As for the male and female slaves whom you may have, it is from the nations around you that you may acquire male and female slaves. You may also acquire them from among the aliens residing with you, and from their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property.

Equally problematic is the mere permission of chattel slavery in this text. They will be your property.

And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have—from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves. Moreover you may buy the children of the strangers who dwell among you, and their families who are with you, which they beget in your land; and they shall become your property. And you may take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them as a possession; they shall be your permanent slaves. But regarding your brethren, the children of Israel, you shall not rule over one another with rigor. Save verses, read offline, watch teaching clips, and more!

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Leviticus 25 44-46

Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Barnes' Notes on the Bible. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary. Matthew Poole's Commentary. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible. As the Law forbids the Israelites to have their brethren as bondmen, or employ them in menial work which belongs to the slaves, the Lawgiver anticipates a difficulty which the Hebrews might raise against these enactments. If they are not to be engaged in this work, who then is to do it? Hence the reply in the verse before us.

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These are two verses that prohibit violent treatment of slaves. The whole reason for this, was to protect the women. There are a ton of scriptures that prove to us that God desires freedom for people that Israel has enslaved. Leviticus Here are two landmines that I do not address in this post, but that I would encourage you to reflect on further: 1 the categorization of human beings as property in this text against the backdrop of Genesis —28, and 2 how to solve the many tensions among Exodus —11, Leviticus —55, and Deuteronomy —18? He shall serve with you until the year of the jubilee. NET Bible "'As for your male and female slaves who may belong to you--you may buy male and female slaves from the nations all around you. He withheld nothing in order to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. On top of that, if he buys her in order to marry her, and is generally not happy with the marriage, God requires that the man still cares for her and treats her lovingly. A service of Logos Bible Software. Leviticus —55 envisions a situation in which a foreigner or resident alien obtains wealth, climbs to the top of the social ladder, and becomes the creditor to an Israelite debtor. International Standard Version "As for your male and maid slaves who will be with you, you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations. Exodus But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof.

In Leviticus , the Bible verses discuss the rules and regulations surrounding the ownership and treatment of slaves in the context of the Israelites. It addresses how slaves could be acquired from the nations surrounding them and emphasizes that they were to be treated as property, passed down to future generations, and could be inherited.

Compare All Versions: Leviticus So you shall purge the evil from your midst. Equally problematic is the mere permission of chattel slavery in this text. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Exodus But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof. And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have—from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves. God had a plan to abolish slavery. Ephesians The Mosaic Law required good treatment of slaves by Israel. That is observed in all the texts where God commands slaves to be free in all kinds of different scenarios. How do you eat an elephant? But in respect to your countrymen , the sons of Israel , you shall not rule with severity over one another. We widely condemn it and view each other, now, as brothers and sisters. Related resources.

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