levinho pubg

Levinho pubg

Levinho pubg, having the best sensitivity settings like Levinho will help us to grab maximum chicken dinner and become the winner. You see, every player has their way of playing a game. So you can import these settings and customize them according to your requirements, levinho pubg.

Bhavna Acharya - Sep 02, Mobile Games. Along with the popularity of PUBG Mobile in India, streaming gameplay has become a culture with which streamers or content creators can gain lakhs of views and subscribers. However, there is also a content creator who is not Indian but gained much reputation among PUBG Mobile players of our country. He is none other than Levinho, a Swedish Youtuber and streamer who owns a game streaming channel with more than 0. Despite his popularity, Levinho real face and his personal information are still a mystery. Owning a youtube channel with 0.

Levinho pubg


So you can import these settings and customize them according to your requirements, levinho pubg. But if you want to import it directly into your PUBG account, then these share codes will be useful. Previous Previous.


The popularity of PUBG has influenced the growth of content creation which has led many gaming enthusiasts to consider a professional career in live streaming. Thanks to PUBG, we have seen so many amazing and talented gamers who have stepped forward and created amazing content for us. One of them is Levinho. He is the most popular Swedish content creator all around the world. His PUBG id is Levinho is a Youtuber, influencer, and E-sports gamer. He started his YouTube channel on January 24, which has been growing stronger since then.

Levinho pubg

The YouTuber thanked fans in a new video today to mark the occasion. Levinho uploaded his first video on June 21, , and it has taken him close to three years to reach this milestone. Currently, he has about 1. The popular battle royale game was released in March and has since become a hit title on Android and iOS. Skip to content Category: Mobile. Levinho hits 10 million subscribers on YouTube It took the creator two years, 10 months, and seven days to hit this milestone.

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For more news and updates, stay tuned to WargXP. WargXP is a gamer who loves to publish game-related blog articles, news updates, tips and tricks, and other useful gaming techniques. Comments Sort by Newest Popular. Along with the popularity of PUBG Mobile in India, streaming gameplay has become a culture with which streamers or content creators can gain lakhs of views and subscribers. Levinho income is said to be around 80, Bhavna Acharya - Sep 02, Mobile Games. Wish you all the best for Chicken Dinner. Levinho Control Code: Brahim is the real name of Levinho. Fortunately, there was rare footage of him and you need to check it right now:. Owning a youtube channel with 0. In training mode, you can practice with a free mind because there is no fear of getting knocked. Previous Previous.


Owning a youtube channel with 0. Search for: Search. Mobile Games - Feb 24, Brahim is the real name of Levinho. Next Continue. You can test how these settings work by visiting training mode. Levinho income is said to be around 80, WargXP is a gamer who loves to publish game-related blog articles, news updates, tips and tricks, and other useful gaming techniques. In training mode, you can practice with a free mind because there is no fear of getting knocked. Visit our website Gurugamer. For more news and updates, stay tuned to WargXP.

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