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Ads for female escorts on the classifieds site LeoList. So far this year, Toronto police have charged eight GTA residents in four separate cases of alleged human trafficking, each involving sex ads on the site. Sex workers say internet advertising helps them vet their clients and stay off the streets. In four separate cases this year, Toronto police say alleged pimps forced women to place sex ads on LeoList. After a series of human trafficking arrests involving the same online classifieds site, a Toronto sex worker says she worries a crackdown on internet sex ads could make her more vulnerable. Toronto police have charged eight GTA residents with dozens of charges in four separate cases this year involving the website LeoList. In one, police say a year-old schoolgirl was taken to a series of GTA motels by a man with a gun and forced to sell her body to strangers. The latest bust was announced last week , after police say a man physically assaulted a year-old woman several times, including one attack that left her with broken ribs. In all four cases, alleged pimps forced women to place sex ads on LeoList. Ford government to overhaul autism services, give cash directly to families.

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