Leo tekken boy or girl

Leo Kliesen is a character that first appeared in Tekken 6 and in the following games. Leo made the first appearance in the official Tekken 6 trailer battling Armor King. Leo is an orphan who lost the parents under koopalings circumstances that police would not want to investigate, leo tekken boy or girl.

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Leo tekken boy or girl

Leo was one of the newcomers first introduced in Tekken 6. Leo is from Germany and uses the fighting style of Baji Quan. Leo was born to Niklas Kliesen , a world-famous spelunker and archaeologist, and Emma Kliesen , a geneticist who worked first for the Mishima Zaibatsu , and then for G Corporation as a researcher and an executive. As well as passing a passion for caving on to Leo, Niklas also taught Leo some fighting. After their father's disappearance, Leo was raised by their mother, and had a pleasant and uneventful childhood. Leo grew to have a strong sense of justice and became an accomplished martial artist, learning the art of Baji Quan , and also a spelunker as they always dreamed. Tragedy struck again though when Leo was around 19 years old. Their mother, Emma, was killed by an unknown assailant. Leo was grief-sticken by the murder, but sadness turned to anger when the police ceased their investigation without explanation. Leo began to look into the case alone, and identified Kazuya Mishima as the most likely suspect. Leo made attempts to meet with Kazuya, but his position as leader of G Corporation made it difficult to get an audience with him. Leo discovered that Kazuya would be appearing at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, and attended the tournament with the intention of taking revenge against him. At some point, they were able to infiltrate a train and discover a computer file detailing work Emma Kliesen had conducted for the Mishima Zaibatsu.

More Topics from this Board. Leo could be customized with items designed for both genders.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 2 3 4 of 4 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Boards Tekken 7 Is Leo Kliesen a boy or a girl?

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Leo tekken boy or girl

Leo was one of the newcomers first introduced in Tekken 6. Leo is from Germany and uses the fighting style of Baji Quan. Leo was born to Niklas Kliesen , a world-famous spelunker and archaeologist, and Emma Kliesen , a geneticist who worked first for the Mishima Zaibatsu , and then for G Corporation as a researcher and an executive. As well as passing a passion for caving on to Leo, Niklas also taught Leo some fighting. After their father's disappearance, Leo was raised by their mother, and had a pleasant and uneventful childhood. Leo grew to have a strong sense of justice and became an accomplished martial artist, learning the art of Baji Quan , and also a spelunker as they always dreamed. Tragedy struck again though when Leo was around 19 years old. Their mother, Emma, was killed by an unknown assailant. Leo was grief-sticken by the murder, but sadness turned to anger when the police ceased their investigation without explanation.

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Leo could be customized with items designed for both genders. Toggle limited content width. Pig 5 years ago 9. Retrieved January 27, But right now its a Poison situation Poison is by all accounts female. This reversal however deals damage only when it is used against kicks and only parries the opponent when used against punches. During Scenario Campaign in Tekken 6 , upon entering the G Corporation, Millennium Tower , Alisa Bosconovitch points out to Leo that their heart rate had increased by twenty beats per minute. Harada himself said that Leo is a girl. Bleeding Cool. Topic Archived Page 1 2 3 4 of 4 Next Last. Leo also has a reversal with a larger than average window than most character's reversals. Explore Wikis Community Central. First appearing in Tekken 6 , they fight using Bajiquan , and have since appeared in every subsequent title in the series as well as the related manga, Tekken Comic.

Leo, also know as Eleonor Kliesen, is a German character who first appears in Tekken 6. The character also wears what is often interpreted as gender-neutral clothing. Leo is voiced by a female voice actor who also voices the character Ash from the Pokemon animated series.

September 14, Disable this feature for this session. Guided by the warmth of a single parent, the quiet youth grew to become an upstanding citizen, possessing a strong sense of justice. Leo manages to get back on the train's roof only to be surrounded by three armed men. Kazuya must have initiated the research so he could gain control over the devil's power, and then killed Leo's mother when she was no longer of use. Archived from the original on November 28, However, with Kazuya's newfound status as a world hero through the actions of the G Corporation. Poison is by all accounts female. Because of the masculine appearence, the concept has been discarded and the name Leo and the neutral gender have been given to the character before the release of Tekken 6 in arcades. Fictional character in the Tekken fighting game series. Although Leo's father disappeared during an expedition when Leo was a child, Leo still wanted to follow in the family tradition and become a spelunker. Upon question Namco said that they wanted a character who could be loved by the public no matter what their gender. But in T7, the character chapters state that Leo is a He, and in customisation, you can clearly see that Leo does have male pecs rather than a feminine bust. Read at your own risk! The Leo situation is that they're androgynous in every single way.

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