laya deleon hayes nude

Laya deleon hayes nude

Hayes and Latifah, 51, recently worked together on The Equalizer 's second season, which premiered Oct.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer A Southern Haunting Hayes was just 9 years old when she booked the landmark role as the first Black animated character on Disney Junior.

Laya deleon hayes nude

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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer A Southern Haunting Hayes was just 9 years old when she booked the landmark role as the first Black animated character on Disney Junior. Upcoming films include the lead role in "The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster" and a starring role in the independent film "40" as Hany, the youngest sister in a family of recently freed slaves, opposite Imani Hakim.

Laya deleon hayes nude

Most of the people who know Laya DeLeon Hayes would probably agree that she was born to be a start. She fell in love with performing at a young age and it quickly became clear that she was working with more talent than the average kid. She has appeared in several successful projects and she recently got a huge opportunity with her role in the TV series, The Equalizer. In her role as Delilah, Laya has gotten the chance to share her talent with a large audience and people are really falling in love with her. She was the voice of the title character in the popular animated series, Doc McStuffins. Laya voiced the character for seasons three, four, and five after replacing the original actress, Kiara Muhammad.

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