Lake washington nude beach

Seattle plans to add a new playground at a beach park well known as a nude hangout — and the project underwritten by a private, anonymous donor has provoked an opposition campaign by park users who say the change would interfere with a longstanding safe haven lake washington nude beach queer and trans people. The Capitol Hill Seattle blog broke the news about the project in the upscale Denny Blaine neighborhood last weektwo City Council members raised concerns about the plan Monday and an online petition against the project had collected nearly 3, signatures by midday Tuesday, lake washington nude beach.

Washington State is a beautiful and diverse place with something to offer everyone. From the snow-covered mountains in the winter to the temperate rain forests in the coastal areas, Washington is an outdoor paradise. The park is hidden away in a residential area, roughly the size of a regular suburban house lot, with only 60 or so feet of lakefront where there is a grassy beach area. The site has become a haven for those who wish to experience the beach au naturel. It tends to have fewer visitors than other beaches in the area, which makes it an ideal spot for sunbathing without worrying about unwanted attention.

Lake washington nude beach

With picturesque views of Bellevue directly across the lake and Mount Rainier in the distance, it is primarily used for picnicking, sunbathing, and swimming. The park has also been one of Seattle's unofficial queer- and trans-friendly clothing optional beaches since the s. The park area consists of three tiers, in addition to a grassy area within the oval loop of E. Denny Blaine Place. The upper level between the parking lot and the original seawall is grass covered and has several large trees that provide shade. The middle level between the lake-side base of the seawall and the beach area is also grass. The lower lake level encompasses a sandy beach area with a rocky shoreline that is covered with small, smooth river pebble extending the first few feet into the lake. It is sometimes referred to as Denny Blaine Beach. Nearby public beaches with lifeguard and full handicap accessibility include Madrona Park 0. As part of the plat filing, which also established four other parks, landowners Charles L. Denny and Viretta Denny husband and wife dedicated all of the streets, lanes, parks, fountains, and places therein "to the use of the Public and the City of Seattle forever". Blaine and C. Denny were proponents of open space parks for use by anyone in the city rather than restricting use to the residents within the subdivision, or alternatively, developing the parks for commercial recreation, amusement, or carnival-type activities such as at Madrona and Leschi parks to the south. Blaine continued to establish his reputation as an aggressive friend of the public open space park concept through his service on the Park Commission from to The park was unnamed in the filed plat.

For those looking for a bit more seclusion, they can hit up Howell Beach nearby. Here is what I always bring to a nude beach.


Think Seattle , and you might think gray skies and rainy days. In the longest, warmest months, rainy days are few and far between. You can look forward to clear blue skies and long days that conclude with stunning sunsets as late as 9pm. Grab a bite, then head up to neighboring Sunset Hill Park , a prime perch for dramatic sunsets and long views over the bay and out toward Bainbridge Island. The largest green space in Seattle at acres, it offers a compact cornucopia of cliffs, meadows, dunes, forest and beaches: a healthy microcosm of surrounding Pacific Northwest ecosystems. You can find a complete map of the in-park network at the Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center near the Government Way entrance — including the route to reach the pretty old lighthouse. Local tip: Pocket Beach is also a prime spot to see native plants and marine life, including salmon and sea urchins.

Lake washington nude beach

W here does one even begin with Seattle and nakedness? How about in or so , with a man named Faygele ben Miriam, a prominent gay rights warrior, Radical Faerie, and strident "effeminist" who would show up at queer community meetings wearing "dresses that were not as long as his dong," as one person recalled it to me a few years back. And yet, as RuPaul points out as often as possible, "we're all born naked. First, though, some ground rules: We will not be talking here about your options for getting publicly naked in local saunas, or steam rooms, or locker rooms, or adult lounges, or bathhouses, or back rooms, or fancy restaurant bathrooms with epic views of the city, all of which are readily available to you in Seattle. Such nakedness opportunities are generally attached to commercial enterprises that make enough money to have marketing budgets that will for sure reach you without my assistance, especially if you're looking. Instead, we will be talking about no-cost opportunities to be buck naked in public, completely en plein air , ripped by your own volition from the rigid bounds of "civilized" society so that you can fulfill your deep and as-yet-unquenched desire to I am just guessing here awkwardly say hi your neighbor, coworker, or kid's teacher without any pants on.

Anime foot worship

A colorized postcard of the park, initially published as early as , labeled it as Denny-Blaine Park, [8] though references to "Denny-Blaine Park" in reports from the Parks Board in the early years included all five parks in the Denny-Blaine-Lake Park subdivision as a single entity. The Park Superintendent rejected posting the sign and refused to disallow public bathing. The S. Blaine ". May 1, This park is one of the best nude beaches in Washington. Beach umbrellas are super popular for nudists. Mineral sunscreen. Denny Blaine Play Area proposal starts at The lower lake level encompasses a sandy beach area with a rocky shoreline that is covered with small, smooth river pebble extending the first few feet into the lake. The Capitol Hill Seattle blog broke the news about the project in the upscale Denny Blaine neighborhood last week , two City Council members raised concerns about the plan Monday and an online petition against the project had collected nearly 3, signatures by midday Tuesday.

This secluded park offers a planted trail that leads to the beach, but that starts between two private driveways, so please be respectful.

Washington State is a beautiful and diverse place with something to offer everyone. Seattle Municipal Archives. Retrieved December 7, With its serene and natural setting, Point Wells is a great place to relax and enjoy nature in the buff. Such refusal to treat Whitman Place as a neighborhood park similar to a refused request by neighbors of Madrona Park is consistent not only with the founding intention of Denny and Blaine, but also that park was maintained by public funds and that as of the park had been transferred to Park jurisdiction. Enjoying Seattle's Parks. The play area, suitable for toddlers, would utilize one sixth of the upper tier space and consist of a single play element made from natural materials. Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. Olmsted Network. As part of the plat filing, which also established four other parks, landowners Charles L. For those looking for a bit more seclusion, they can hit up Howell Beach nearby. Retrieved December 5,

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