La familia bakery san antonio photos

Dale L. KellerPhotojournalist. La Familia Bakery, formerly located in the block of South Flores Street, got a 77 on its recent health inspection.

But the hour landmark that has grown from a one dining room establishment to one that can seat up to guests is more than just enchiladas verdes and crispy flautas. Es una experiencia , from the decorations to the mariachi strolling through the dining room to the loyal and long-serving wait staff, who take pride in treating each customer como familia. At the end of the day, even after 75 years, familia remains one of the key values of the Cortez clan, and that extends to the more than employees who serve Mi Tierra and its customers each day. Walking through the restaurant today, it would be difficult for the Cortez family — and their restaurant familia — to forget Pedro and their Mexican-American culture. The curated atmosphere is both a sensory and nostalgic experience, one that pays tribute to those who came before us and celebrates their lives and hard work that helped make Mi Tierra and the city what they are today.

La familia bakery san antonio photos

Extremly cheap but very good tacos and pastries. I am not a big donut fan but their donuts were exceptional. Had a meeting close by at Colt 45 ordered 6 pizzas Thin crust , they got to the guys they were hot and fresh out of the oven. The guys ate every last piece. Great job Dominos, will do it again Quick service and always great specials. Their prices are cheaper then KFC in the area. Download their awesome app and get free pie for your birthday and 2 free biscuits for signing up. I highly Waited over an hour past when food was supposed to be ready for pick up. Only received food after confronting them about the wait time. Food was hastily given to me, extremely cold. Search MapQuest. La Familia Bakery.

In addition, several plumbing repairs were needed. The literoti ate every last piece. The owner indicated he wanted a re-grade after the inspection but later called back and accepted the score.


All pan dulce tastes pretty great with a cup or pot of coffee on a hungover Sunday morning, but anyone sober will tell you that not all panaderias are created equal. Even harder to please are our abuelas, who remind us that San Antonio knows Tex-Mex, but not "real" Mexican food and drink. Scroll down to view images. Your abuela will be extra impressed by the Pan de Muerto and Rosca de Reyes in observance of traditional Mexican holidays. Photo via Instagram, lovebriecheese. La Panaderia Broadway, , lapanaderia.

La familia bakery san antonio photos

La Familia Bakery is a spot where you can reward yourself with your favorite drink and some fancy cake. Are you in search of aesthetics of hygge, nice smells, and hedonic satisfaction? In this place, you will find pastry.

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Delicious barbacoa tacos! About the Authors:. Search MapQuest. United States. Download their awesome app and get free pie for your birthday and 2 free biscuits for signing up. The decoration … is something that obviously has become iconic to our corporation. Read more on Yelp. Officials Celebrate Zona Cultural Designation. Pedro never obligated any of the family members to get involved in the family business, Pete said, but growing up around it and seeing the positive impact Mi Tierra has had on customers, employees, and the community made it an easy decision. Skip to content.


Other scores from this week of inspections:. At the end of the day, even after 75 years, familia remains one of the key values of the Cortez clan, and that extends to the more than employees who serve Mi Tierra and its customers each day. Stacy E. About the Authors:. Mi Tierra is perhaps one of the only major restaurants in the city that has employed some of the same people — and their family members — for more than 40 years in some cases. Blackbird Hair Studio. Ceiling panels were hanging down or missing, there were holes in the walls, soft spots on the floors and peeling paint. Annette G. Skip to content. The atmosphere and music was always exciting. La Familia Bakery.

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