Kucherov db

Born: June 17in Maykop, Russia ru. Show entire roster. Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction?

Powered by Franchise Hockey Manager. Submit changes incorrect DOB, missing stats, incorrect stats, social media links etc using a web form and we will review your update request within 24 hours and update accordingly. We only use official stats. Make this EP profile stand-out and get noticed more! If you are Nikita Kucherov or his representative, a few clicks and a valid ID, are all you need to unlock greater visibility and opportunities by verifying this profile in your Account Settings.

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Kucherov won the Stanley Cup twice with the Lightning, in and , leading the playoffs in scoring both times. Kucherov holds the record for most points by a Russian-born player in a single season , as well as the Lightning franchise playoff record for most points; goals and assists. He spent three seasons with the team, and made his professional debut in the Kontinental Hockey League KHL during this time, playing 27 KHL games over the —11 and —12 seasons. He scored a goal on his first shot, on his first shift, against Henrik Lundqvist ; he was the seventh player in Lightning history to score a goal in his NHL debut. His rookie season, would end with Kucherov playing 52 games with 9 goals and 9 assists.

Kucherov db

Powered by Franchise Hockey Manager. Submit changes incorrect DOB, missing stats, incorrect stats, social media links etc using a web form and we will review your update request within 24 hours and update accordingly. We only use official stats. Make this EP profile stand-out and get noticed more! If you are Nikita Kucherov or his representative, a few clicks and a valid ID, are all you need to unlock greater visibility and opportunities by verifying this profile in your Account Settings. Don't miss out on potential connections and opportunities. Learn more. Contact Elite Prospects. Go Premium for Elite Prospects Support Get access to our unique free agency lists and many more premium features Sign up for premium. Last 5 games.

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NHL 82 9 14 23 89 53 39 How old is Nikita Kucherov? Nikita Kucherov is cm tall. Alex Kile 52 30 36 66 5. Patrick Curry. Game-by-game stat line for the player. Other Links. Make this EP profile stand-out and get noticed more! Bourque , G. Sign Up.

Born: June 17 , in Maykop, Russia ru.

How much is Nikita Kucherov worth? Question, Comment, Feedback, or Correction? Injury Records. Player stats broken down into various categories; i. Can you name the only two players since with more in their first ? Brandon Hawkins 58 36 43 79 2. Choice is:. Nikita Kucherov was born in Maykop, Russia. NHL 82 26 36 62 87 80 Other Finders: Versus Finder. Russian Selects.

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