Knuckle imdb

Knuckles the Echidna teaches deputy Wade Whipple the techniques of the Echidna warrior. Wade Whipple : Most people think I am a joke. Knuckles : I do not make jokes I make warriors, knuckle imdb.

An epic year journey into the brutal and secretive world of Irish Traveler bare-knuckle fighting. This film follows a history of violent feuding between rival clans. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Knuckle R 1h 37m. Play trailer

Knuckle imdb

A police detective is tasked in shutting down an illegal, underground bare knuckle fight ring in Las Vegas. Conor, the pound for pound biggest bad ass on the planet just got thrown into lock Read all A police detective is tasked in shutting down an illegal, underground bare knuckle fight ring in Las Vegas. Conor, the pound for pound biggest bad ass on the planet just got thrown into lock up after a fine display of fisticuffs at a local nightclub. He ultimately gets blackmaile He ultimately gets blackmailed into fighting around town, lighting up the local tough guy population to grab some atten Read all. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Writer Drew Brilakis. Louis Castle. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Writer Drew Brilakis. Photos Add photo.

The Thundermans Return Little Wing Tom Howe.

A police detective is tasked in shutting down an illegal, underground bare knuckle fight ring in Las Vegas. Conor, the pound for pound biggest bad ass on the planet just got thrown into lock Read all A police detective is tasked in shutting down an illegal, underground bare knuckle fight ring in Las Vegas. Conor, the pound for pound biggest bad ass on the planet just got thrown into lock up after a fine display of fisticuffs at a local nightclub. He ultimately gets blackmaile He ultimately gets blackmailed into fighting around town, lighting up the local tough guy population to grab some atten

Plot under wraps Plot under wraps Plot under wraps. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Action Adventure Comedy. Director Jeff Fowler. See production info at IMDbPro.

Knuckle imdb

It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. Be the first to contribute. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. An aging, womanizing professional boxer and his career-criminal brother take one last shot at success and get more than they've bargained for. Opening in , Knuckle City shifts between the childhood and adult lives of the sons played as children by Inga Mtshizana and Elethu Mfombi of legendary boxing champion turned gangster Art Nyakama Zolisa Xaluva. Cut to and the boys have grown up to follow closely in the footsteps of their father. Dudu Nyakama Bongile Mantsai has become a womanizing professional boxer and Duke Nyakama Thembikile Komani is now a career criminal, chasing money and thrills at every turn. But Dudu is about to age out before he's had his chance at fame, and the fight promoters have a lot more faith in the young talent coming up behind him than they do in his comeback chances.

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Aki Goto Rokuoin's Mother. United Kingdom Ireland. Color Color. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. Several comment reviews say that this is raw, far from it. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. See production info at IMDbPro. Stockard Channing. I sincerely hope after they watch this film they need to realize this can't continue any longer. Additionally, Paul Scheer and Rob Huebel have been cast in undisclosed roles. Lebana Ezechiel Fighter. New Customer? Top credits Director Hong-Seung Yoon. Top Gap.

An aging, womanizing professional boxer and his career-criminal brother take one last shot at success and get more than they've bargained for. Sign In Sign In.

Edit page Add episode. Country of origin United States. I never really understood what motivated two men to stand in an old, mucky lane - and throw down until both were bloody and bruised. Drew Brilakis. Runtime 1 hour 37 minutes. Ayako Inokuchi Junin Ring Announcer 1. There is some insight compared with the regular youtube clip, but the maker does not get far beyond a privileged position at the fights. Powered by Alexa. It was first published in on KakaoPage, a webtoon platform owned by Kakao Entertainment, part of Korean entertainment-tech giant Kakao. Tom Howe. Knuckles the Echidna teaches deputy Wade Whipple the techniques of the Echidna warrior. See the list. Aki Goto Rokuoin's Mother. Top Gap. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content.

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