kjan obituaries atlantic iowa

Kjan obituaries atlantic iowa

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Nancy M. Susanne Gerlach officiating. Visitation with the family present will be held from 9 am till the time Bill was born May 29, , in Greenfield, the son of W. Littler Jr. He graduated from Adair-Casey High School in Bill started work for his parents at The Adair News at a

Kjan obituaries atlantic iowa

Menu Listen Live. Send Us Your News Tip! Community Calendar Submission. Submit A Cancellation. Current Conditions Weather Radar. Moore said stat Secretary Pate launches voter education videos as part of Civic Learning Week. Mandy Billings 22h ago. Child Tax Credit Increases. Montgomery County Woman Arrested for Assault.

Rife Obituary. The agency says this Gerald Michael Sonntag.

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Search by Name. Cynthia Andrews. Exira, IA. Donald Ernest Feddersen. See All Obituaries. Ben Stern — , Holocaust survivor who clashed with Neo-Nazis. Terry Everett — , U. David Mixner — , gay rights activist and author. Malachy McCourt — , Irish writer, actor, and talk show host. Stevens — , veteran funk-rock bassist.

Kjan obituaries atlantic iowa

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Feb 25, Showing 1 - of results. Carol Hensley. Dorothy Jean Pellett Engel. Sandra K Koepeska Smith. Community Calendar Submission. Submit A Cancellation. David E. Friday, December 22, Bonnie Jean Bruner. Gregg "Bud" Cohrs. John "Jack" Bell. Friday, January 5,

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Linda Simmons Obituary. Janelle Roberts. Wednesday, January 10, Mary C. Edward "Ed" Daniels. Wednesday, February 21, Heather Jean Haines Dahlke. Feb 16, Marlin Lewis Obituary. Moore said stat He was the son of John Blevins and Dorothy Coyle and the oldest of four siblings. Friday, July 28, Edwin "Ed" Ortgies.

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