Kira kira precure
The series follows Ichika Usami and her friends, who become Pretty Cures to protect the Kirakiraru residing in sweets from the evil Kirakiraru Thieves and other villains. Contents move to sidebar hide.
Welcome to the Pretty Cure Wiki! Before you start editing, please read our rules. The series' themes are sweets, animals and creativity. The Cures manage a patisserie. Omoide no Mille-feuille! The trademark for this series was filed on October 25, [1]. It was confirmed on November 28 th when Toei and Asahi set up the websites.
Kira kira precure
Animals and Sweets and Creativity…Oh, My! Pretty Cure. Ichika Usami's mother Satomi is coming home from abroad. To celebrate, Ichika decides to make a shortcake to give to her mom. Several failed attempts later, and a plump fairy named Pekorin crashes into her kitchen. Although unsuccessful, the shortcakes made by Ichika are filled with her heart, and a strange energy called "kirakiraru" inside the sweets spills out, which Pekorin happily eats. Unfortunately, a bad fairy named Gummy appears not long after: He was attracted by the kirakiraru, just like Pekorin. Gummy steals all the kirakiraru from the cakes, making them all black. Through her desire to protect the sweets, Ichika gains the power to transform into a Legendary Patissier: Pretty Cure. Soon after, Ichika makes some new friends who also have an interest in sweets, and together they make a full team of Cures:. Her imagination comes up with all sorts of animal-themed sweets to make. She's shy, but knows enough about sweets to be considered the "Sweets Professor. An enthusiastic rock star and the singer of Wild Azure, a local band.
Cures profiles for the Pretty Cure Miracle Universe film. Don't have an account?
Cheerful teenager Ichika Usami has a passion for sweets that is inspired by her mother's baking. In celebration of her mother's return from overseas, she tries her hand at making a cake herself. She is interrupted when a dog-like fairy named Pekorin crashes into her kitchen. With Pekorin's help, Ichika successfully bakes her cake. Only then enters an imp named Gummy who bursts in and attempt to steal the cake's "kirakiraru", a magical power that gives sweets the ability to bring happiness. Though Ichika initially offers her cake to Gummy in order to protect Pekorin, the fairy helps her realize how important the treat is and the love it represents.
Animals and Sweets and Creativity…Oh, My! Pretty Cure. Ichika Usami's mother Satomi is coming home from abroad. To celebrate, Ichika decides to make a shortcake to give to her mom. Several failed attempts later, and a plump fairy named Pekorin crashes into her kitchen. Although unsuccessful, the shortcakes made by Ichika are filled with her heart, and a strange energy called "kirakiraru" inside the sweets spills out, which Pekorin happily eats. Unfortunately, a bad fairy named Gummy appears not long after: He was attracted by the kirakiraru, just like Pekorin. Gummy steals all the kirakiraru from the cakes, making them all black. Through her desire to protect the sweets, Ichika gains the power to transform into a Legendary Patissier: Pretty Cure.
Kira kira precure
With the help of fairy friends, she and 4 buddies fight evil as precures while running a patisserie. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Animation Action Adventure. See production info at IMDbPro. Episodes
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However, another member of the Kirakiraru Thieves, Cookacookie, appear to steal the cookies, but the Cures are able to defeat him. Fuera Click here to see his first form. Good Costume Switch : When he finally returns in Episode 39 to help the Cures, he does so in a brand new white oufit, in stark contrast to the Evil Wears Black look he sported when he served Noir. Dragon Ascendant : Until he betrays him, making him the true Big Bad. Hoist by His Own Petard : In episode 12, his last attack is overpowered thanks to Cure Whip using a technique based off of the mixing he had shown her earlier in the episode. As Pikario is healing at the shrine, it bestows mysterious crystals to each of the Cures. Pretty Cure. Voiced by: Chiemi Chiba. Both also become the Final Bosses who have their true form. Retrieved August 24,
Cheerful teenager Ichika Usami has a passion for sweets that is inspired by her mother's baking. In celebration of her mother's return from overseas, she tries her hand at making a cake herself. She is interrupted when a dog-like fairy named Pekorin crashes into her kitchen.
Create account. Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda. While going to deliver them, Yukari reveals that she acts coldly to hide her own weaknesses. After Bitard is defeated and the chocolates are delivered to Miku, Ichika is shocked to discover that Akira is actually a girl. Expy : Her mature and elegant appearance while also finding pleasure in trolling others makes her very similar to Michiru Kaiou. Score: 7. Insistent Terminology : Despite his appearance and abilities, he's not a ghost. August 13, She was quite attracted to Akira, who is four years older than her, at least until she found out she was a girl. She sticks around Ichika because she finds her "interesting". However, Himari manages to recall all the joy she has experienced since she first made pudding with Ichika, overcoming Elysio's darkness and realizing there are some parts of herself that don't need to be changed. Before you start editing, please read our rules. However, given how the seasonal movie takes place in France and involves her as an important character by default, this may have been intentional. Fantasy Pretty Cure.
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Willingly I accept. An interesting theme, I will take part. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.