kidnapped spanish movie

Kidnapped spanish movie

Eligible info. Over the past five years Europe has imported, from countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico, a style of abduction known as an express kidnap.

Three hooded Eastern-European criminals burst into a home in a Madrid gated community, holding the family hostage in its own home, and forcing the father to empty his credit cards. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Kidnapped Original title: Secuestrados. Play trailer

Kidnapped spanish movie

Jaime, his wife Marta and their daughter Isa have just moved into a new home. Isa has plans to attend a party with her boyfriend while Marta and Jaime are arguing about how to raise their daughter. In the midst of this, three masked thieves break in. Head Thief takes Jaime to a bank machine several miles away from home, while the other two stay with the mother and daughter. He tells Jaime that if there is any deviation from the plan, or if he tries to alert anyone to his predicament, he will call the house and have the other two kill Marta. Jaime takes the risk, and tries to convince a woman at the bank machine to call the police, but she believes he's trying to rob her, and gives him all her money. Jaime, hearing Marta's screams over the phone, begs Head Thief to give him another chance. Head Thief agrees and takes Jaime to another bank machine further away. Young Thief and Strong Thief pull him into the house, but find that Marta and Isa have fled to the basement and locked themselves in a back room. A security guard comes to the door to say that the neighbours have complained about the television being on too loud; he asks if he may come in and look around. Strong Thief pretends to be Marta's husband and, when the guard grows suspicious, slits his throat.

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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Advanced search. Movie Keyword: "kidnapping" Spain. Search filters Expand all.

Sign In. Kidnapped Hide Spoilers. If you've ever had nightmares about a home invasion - here's where they get played out. A family moves into a new home. If you've ever moved you'll know there's something kind of creepy about the movers right away. They're too interested in exploring the house; they follow the family members around too often. They're suspicious.

Kidnapped spanish movie

Three hooded Eastern-European criminals burst into a home in a Madrid gated community, holding the family hostage in its own home, and forcing the father to empty his credit cards. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Kidnapped Original title: Secuestrados.

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The rag-tag band of Quinlan meets Espartero in several scraps, and then a climactic confrontation. The Night Watchman. Photos OK brutal European psychological thriller. He has always lived alone with his overwhelming mother, now he meets crazy Ramon. Advertise on Cineuropa Logos and Banners Links. The story of a group of American commandos assigned to kidnap General Rommel. Running time. IMDb ratings. State of emergency in Ayacucho Peru. Goofs After the ATM scene, when Jaime is going to the car, camera and micro can be seen on the floor and in Jaime's shirt.

Three hooded Eastern-European criminals burst into a home in a Madrid gated community, holding the family hostage in its own home, and forcing the father to empty his credit cards. But the family fights back - brutally.

Why would the fugitive want him to remember? OK brutal European psychological thriller. Create account. State of emergency in Ayacucho Peru. If you like mindless violence, there are much more poignant movies, if you don't, you will just have regrets. Dolby Digital. However, if you are the owner of an image used on this website and believe that its use infringes on your copyright, please contact us immediately. After many car chases and intrigue, he manages to get away with "the secret plans". Marta tries to shoot Head Thief, but misses. It reminds me of the original Funny Game's, well worth a look. A newcomer, Kyra, introduces rebellion into the by the unheard of act of complaining to the Caliph about the lot of the women in the harem.

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