
You will not be able to discover all the mysteries of the Kashyyyk planet during the first visit. You will kashyyyk to come back here again at least once with Force Powers, Abilities and Doid Upgrades you earn in the following locations. While descending into Kashyyyk's atmosphere, kashyyyk, the Mantis crew became embroiled in a skirmish between Imperial kashyyyk and freedom fighters, kashyyyk.

See also: Galactic Gazetteer. It is the lush, Wroshyr tree-filled homeworld of the Wookiees. Familiar planets undergo significant changes over the centuries. The updates in this section should provide Gamemasters with enough information to use these planets in their respective sourcebooks' eras. Because of Czerka's investment in the Republic's rebuilding efforts, the Senate grants Czerka domain over Kashyyyk, citing the corporation's discovery of the world as justification for the control of the planet. Believing the world to possess no sentient life Though this attitude is likely one born more of prejudice than scientific research , The Czerka Corporation ignored the native Wookiees' designation for the world and renamed it Edean.


Kashyyyk is the Wookiee homeworld, covered in dense forest. While Wookiees build their homes in the planet's trees, they are not a primitive species, and Kashyyyk architecture incorporates sophisticated technology. One of the last battles of the Clone Wars was fought here under the leadership of Yoda, with Wookiees and clones battling the Separatist droid army -- until the Emperor issued Order 66, commanding the clones to slaughter all Jedi. Yoda survived, however, with the help of natives Chewbacca and Tarfful, who used a hidden shuttle to evacuate the Jedi Master from the planet. In the aftermath, the brave Jedi Padawan Gungi, a survivor of the Jedi slaughter, was returned to what remained of his homeworld with the help of Clone Force Following the execution of Order 66, Yoda bids farewell to Tarffull and Chewbacca before leaving for Dagobah. A verdant world occupying a strategic position in the Mid Rim, Kashyyyk was the site of a fierce fight between the Republic and Separatist invaders in the final days of the Clone Wars. Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Yoda were among the commanders of a mixed force of clones and Wookiees that defended the coastal city of Kachirho. During the fighting, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order Unduli was believed killed, but Yoda sensed danger and struck down the clones sent to kill him. He then escaped the planet with help from friendly Wookiees. The Empire conquered Kashyyyk and subjected it to a brutal occupation, enslaving the Wookiees and using them as laborers. Many died due to brutal working conditions on planets such as Kessel. The Wookiees resisted Imperial occupation, with repeated uprisings triggering vicious retaliation by the Empire. Skip Navigation More More Search.

The planet was revealed to be a densely forested planet, on which one can encounter vast plains and island areas suitable for large, kashyyyk, kashyyyk battles.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing.

They are distinguished from humans by their gigantism , hirsutism , and physical strength. The most prominent Wookiee in the films is Chewbacca , the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon alongside his best friend Han Solo. According to an interview with creator George Lucas , the inspiration for the Wookiee was Lucas's dog, Indiana whose name is used in Lucas's Indiana Jones movies : "He was the prototype for the Wookiee. He always sat beside me in the car. He was big, a big bear of a dog. In one episode of Animal Planet 's series Animal Icons , focusing on the creation of Star Wars figures, it was revealed that the Wookiees were also based on orangutans and lemurs , which are long-haired creatures that live in a hot forest climate. Adult Wookiees are typically taller than most humans, averaging 2. Han Solo states that a Wookiee can pull a man's arms out of his sockets if angered. Wookiees have a keen sense of smell, are fully covered with a thick coat of hair though some can be susceptible to balding , have good hand—eye coordination, and are shown to be excellent marksmen. Wookiees have been shown in many diverse environments, such as those of Hoth , Tatooine , and Endor , never wearing any protective clothing or showing any signs of discomfort.


To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! It was the lush, wroshyr tree -filled homeworld of the Wookiees. It was a member of the Galactic Republic , endured enslavement under the Galactic Empire , and later joined the New Republic.

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Instead, the Empire keeps Kashyyyk isolated, while carefully monitoring all traffic coming to or leaving the world. Wookiee Horn - Origin Tree 3. All your comments , suggestions and corrections are very welcome. Encrypted Logs 3. The following needs expanding on: Expansion needed in all sections. Force Essences 3. Black Krrsantan first appeared in the Darth Vader comic series as an antagonist, and later appeared in The Book of Boba Fett , where he is an assassin for the Hutt Twins. Now Cal must climb the Origin Tree Kashyyyk was put under a blockade, along with Tatooine , in an attempt to locate Han Solo and Chewbacca. Wookiees greatly value morality, courage, compassion, and loyalty. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Its surface was terraformed by the Rakata , resulting in the abnormally large foliage which still covers the planet's surface in modern times.

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Influenced by the Wookiees' mortal enemies, the Trandoshans , Imperial forces systematically rounded up Wookiees and exported them across the galaxy as heavy laborers; many ended up on such infamous penal work colonies as Kessel and Despayre. Second Visit - Chapter 4 2. Tools Tools. Wookiee Witness - Overgrown Pass 8. He always sat beside me in the car. Wookiee Home - Kyyyalstaad Falls 2. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. Wookiees are fast learners; Chewbacca commandeers an Imperial AT-ST during the Battle of Endor and is shown effectively maneuvering the vehicle and operating its weapons systems. Also, unknown to some, just before Order 66 was given, an elite squad of clones known as Delta Squad had arrived, delaying the Separatist forces advance on Kashyyyk, before the arrival of Republic reinforcements. Chewbacca is also shown to be an adept strategist at holo-chess leading to his surprise when R2-D2 outmaneuvered him in a game.

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