John jonah jameson

Jonah Jameson was raised as a child by Betty Jameson and his stepfather and uncle David.

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John jonah jameson

He is introduced as a blustering, grumpy, loudmouthed individual who retains an extreme distaste for the emerging vigilante Spider-Man , and takes significant pride in carrying out an unrelenting smear campaign against him and driving a rift in public opinion on his heroics. Jameson eventually hires struggling high school student Peter Parker as a freelance photographer , as he remained the sole person able to capture clear photos of Spider-Man for the newspaper, unaware that Parker and Spider-Man are one and the same. He later hires Eddie Brock to expose a perceived history of Spider-Man's criminal activity, only to reluctantly fire and retract his photos upon the revelation they were doctored from similar pictures taken by Parker himself. He eventually hires Betty Brant , one of Parker's classmates from the Midtown School of Science and Technology , as an unpaid intern to aid his ongoing efforts to expose the vigilante. He is later contacted by Parker himself in an attempt to lure several displaced villains from the multiverse to the Statue of Liberty in order to cure and return them to their respective realities, before completely losing memory of Parker alongside the rest of the world as a result of a magic spell cast by Doctor Strange. Originally appearing in Spider-Man and its sequels Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 , Simmons' portrayal has been universally praised and as a result, he voiced the character in a video game film tie-in , multiple television series and specials including recurring appearances on Robot Chicken , Ultimate Spider-Man , Avengers Assemble , Hulk and the Agents of S. Stan Lee stated in an interview on Talk of the Nation that he modeled J. Jonah Jameson as a much grumpier version of himself. Jonah Jameson was as close as Lee ever came to a self-portrayal, with Conway elaborating that "just like Stan is a very complex and interesting guy who both has a tremendously charismatic part of himself and is an honestly decent guy who cares about people, he also has this incredible ability to go immediately to shallow. Just, BOOM, right to shallow.

Jonah Jameson is taken to Haven with his clone wife, he asked the Jackal to revive his father. Retrieved February 14, Jameson works as the host of the sensationalist news website TheDailyBugle, john jonah jameson.

The character is depicted as the son of J. Jonah Jameson , and a friend to Peter Parker. Conway explained:. I'd wanted to do something with [John Jameson] for a long time. I felt like he was a character who'd gotten lost over the years. Also, at this point, it's , John Jameson is an astronaut, and we've been to the moon , so I asked myself, "What would we do with that in Spider-Man's world?

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. John "J" Jonah Jameson, Jr. The reveal gave The Daily Bugle a surge in popularity, and Jameson continued to report on Peter Parker, fueling public hatred of the hero, and support for the late Mysterio. Tipped off that Parker was taking refuge at Happy Hogan's Condominium , Jameson traveled there in hopes of getting incriminating footage, only to witness the clash between Spider-Man and the various villains that had been unleashed from the Multiverse. Jameson was forced to flee the scene when the battle got out of hand, and later was called by Parker himself, who told the world he would make right his mistakes.

John jonah jameson

John Jonah Jameson Jr. Jameson is typically depicted as the publisher or editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle , a fictional New York City newspaper. Recognizable by his toothbrush moustache , flattop haircut, and ever-present cigar , he carries out a smear campaign against Spider-Man and to a lesser extent, other superheroes such as Daredevil and the Avengers , frequently referring to him as a "menace" and a criminal, but occasionally and reluctantly allying with him. This usually stems from his deep-seated belief in law enforcement and government agencies, and thus despises superheroes for working outside the system. In the early comics as well as most media interpretations, he employs photojournalist Peter Parker to take pictures of Spider-Man in the hopes of catching him in the middle of wrongdoing, unaware that Peter is the superhero himself. Over the course of the comics, Jameson has done various other jobs, most notably being the Mayor of New York City for several years before resigning.


When Bastion, architect of the anti-mutant program "Operation Zero Tolerance", offered Jameson unsolicited information regarding the X-Men , complete with veiled threats against Jameson's life if he didn't publish that information, Jameson destroyed the CD without even looking at any of the information, telling Bastion, "The Bugle's soul is not for sale. Superior Spider-Man accuses Jameson of leaving the force field, but Jameson confronts Superior Spider-Man to tell him he brought him to ensure that Smythe gets executed by any means necessary, implying that he has giving permission to Superior Spider-Man to directly kill him. However, he loses his temper if he sees or hears about Dexter Bennett and the Daily Bugle. Stan Lee. Jump to: Photos 6 Quotes Heel Realization : He gets hit with this hard in The Amazing Spider-Man , after seeing how toxic his vendetta against Spider-Man was up until they buried the hatchet. Everyone Has Standards : Stands up for human rights WonderCon - J. Later, he is shown ascending to "the light", only for him to be condemned for all the injustices he committed in life. Stan Lee stated in an interview on Talk of the Nation that he modeled J. She arrived and saved Jonah by defeating Kraven. In prison, he befriends Norman Osborn and begins writing a memoir. Jerkass Ball : Believe it or not, his actions during the New Avengers series. Then he gets summoned by Jameson himself to the City Hall where he asks him to arrest Jester and Screwball.

Jonah Jameson was raised as a child by Betty Jameson and his stepfather and uncle David.

When Jonah's father fell ill, [38] the attending physician, Dr. After Peter Parker made his deal with the demon Mephisto , Peter's identity was once again a secret and Jameson was one of the many who never knew his identity. Joanna Jameson. Exclusive Daily Bugle Photos". When Jameson is about to send out a broadcast message of the New U Technologies, Jackal reactivated the broadcast to tell the world that they will all die and be reborn as the Carrion Virus in all of the clones and causes them to start rapidly decaying. DK Publishing. In the " House of M " reality created by the insane Scarlet Witch and in which mutants are dominant over baseline humans, Jameson is the maltreated publicist of Peter Parker, here a celebrity without a secret identity. Superior Spider-Man beats up Jester and Screwball where his brutality being watched all over the city including Jameson who is enjoying the punishment. After Peter Parker made his deal with the demon Mephisto , Peter's identity was once again a secret and Jameson was one of the many who never knew his identity. Luckily, she easily destroyed it and to smooth things over, said she would take the case for fraud against Spider-Man while privately intending to drag it out as long as possible. Peter Parker Gwen Stacy.

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