John doe game

This is a free visual novel-style simulation game that puts you in a creepy situation. Here, you will play a normal worker, who will have to interact with a creepy person named John Doe, that seems to be a stalker, john doe game. It has the same premise john doe game even includes the original four endings.

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John doe game

The game is quite short, with 7 endings which can all be achieved in about 15 minutes. You play You, a cashier at a gas station. On your way to work, you meet John Doe, a strange fellow with an unsettling aura and weird habits. At this point, it's up to you whether you decide to "romance" him or not The game can be downloaded here. John Doe contains examples of: Aerith and Bob : The player character is literally named You, while John Doe's name is sinisterly generic. Ambiguous Gender : The protagonist has no specified gender. Amnesiac Hero : Invoked. The protagonist is in a temporal loop of getting introduced to John Doe over and over again. On each of these introductions, they do not remember who John Doe is. Blue-and-Orange Morality : John seems to have this. He comes off as creepy, pushy, and invasive, as he comments on your body odor, follows you around despite your insistence otherwise, and has No Sense of Personal Space.

I did everything right I'm not a stranger! John's feelings can be altered depending on You's hygienic state; liking them john doe game if they showered but with an increased fondness if they didn't.


John Doe is a free game released under a name your own price model, giving players the opportunity to support the developer if they wish. It is a visual novel style game, where the player is presented with a story accompanied with visual artwork, and is required to make occasional choices that effect the direction of the story. Though John Doe is a visual novel like Yandere Simulator: Visual Novel , and Cinderalla Phenomenon , it contains elements of gore , as well as surreal and unsettling visuals. Visual novel games like John Doe are mostly passive experiences where the player is presented with a story and accompanying artwork. In the case of John Doe and as with most visual novel games , the player occasionally has to make a decision, with that decision contributing to which of the four potential endings they eventually get. While the game is not outright horror, it does contain many elements that you would find in a horror game, such as gore, surreal and unsettling visuals, strange characters, and unpleasant themes like stalking. It is a very short game, with the developer stating that a player can play to all potential endings in around 15 minutes. The artwork used in the game is a mix of digital cartoon art and low-quality photographs, which may feel jarring to some.

John doe game

The game is quite short, with 7 endings which can all be achieved in about 15 minutes. You play You, a cashier at a gas station. On your way to work, you meet John Doe, a strange fellow with an unsettling aura and weird habits. At this point, it's up to you whether you decide to "romance" him or not The game can be downloaded here. John Doe contains examples of: Aerith and Bob : The player character is literally named You, while John Doe's name is sinisterly generic. Ambiguous Gender : The protagonist has no specified gender.

Synonym for graciously

Knowing that if they were to do so, then they'd have been met with the mess of blood and possible flesh that they'd met in past timelines before John revealed himself to have been in the home. Do you recommend it? You'll involuntarily invite John to hang out, and he'll tell them he would love to. Depending on John's emotional mood, the red design on his shirt changes to match it [1]. For example, the shirt will display a scrawled on smiley face if he's happy or a bleeding heart if he's in love. As with other similar visual novel games , your answers will affect how the story will progress. John suggests they watch TV together, and so they sit down together to do so. John Doe contains examples of: Aerith and Bob : The player character is literally named You, while John Doe's name is sinisterly generic. Which could be a reference to House Hunted , the prequel of John Doe [3]. This is embarrassing When You goes to the bus stop, they'll find John appearing to look far more normal than his regular self.


This time remarking that they think he looks "cute but bland" when presented with whether or not they like John. Whenever he's presented with an opportunity to have you all for himself, he quickly devolves into creepier behavior. Both characters acknowledge that they are stuck in a time loop, and might as well see what happens, with John looking up at the player with hearts in his eyes before it cuts to black. John is known to have reality warping and shape-shifting abilities, which may be the reason for its constant changing. After achieving Ending 3, You'll wake up instead of getting an ending card. When John Doe first appears in a more human-like appearance at the begining of the 5th, 6th, and 7th ending routes, he's got some pretty heavy Morphic Resonance. Although that someone is a bit creepy and acts like a stalker. You play You, a cashier at a gas station. He'll then ask whether or not they like to be scared. The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You : John gains the ability to alter your decision making heavily in Ending 4, making you agree to all of his creepy requests. Fantasy Horror Sci-fi. While much more approachable and eloquent, he still has moments of creepiness in his cuter form and is genuinely confused as to why you don't return his feelings. I did everything right However, he is also given some explanation to his earlier creepiness; he's aware that he's in a game and has interacted with you multiple times, so he has been trying to win you over again and again to no avail.

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