jls gay

Jls gay

Wiki User, jls gay. Ignore the rumors there all lies, they are not gay! Im a huge fan of JLS a I reasure you that none of them are gay or bi!

JLS have said that they laugh off rumours about their sexuality. The 'Proud' foursome told The Mirror that they find internet jibes about their relationships "all a bit boring". Back in the day you'd read stuff and it was like, 'This one's gay, this one's this 'n' that' It's a bit, like, change the record. It's all a bit boring. We have a huge gay following and our music is for everybody, we always say that.

Jls gay

Wiki User. Yes he is. He's not.. JB isn't gay!!! No he is not because in a magazine it say's he has a girlfriend called chloe. JB is currently single. Why are people so mean these days? Aston, JB and Marvin have girlfriends! What makes u think so? Other members of JLS have also insisted that all members are heterosexual. Marvin is quoted, when addressing gay rumors, as saying "We don't care. We have many gay friends and mine fancy JB.

Back in the day you'd read stuff and it was like, 'This one's gay, jls gay, this one's this 'n' that' Other members of JLS have also insisted that all members are jls gay. Study now See answers 8.


Wiki User. Epic record labels own JLS. Well JLS are about in there early twenteys early thirty. None of them are gay. Jeffrey Star was asked to sing a song with them called "Turn off the lights", and he's gay. But nobody from the actual band is gay. There are some theories though however about Danny and J3T having sex in the back of a dump truck multiple times by many people. Yes, He Is Gay.

Jls gay

The members of JLS have all grown up since they first burst onto the scenes in , they've since married and have started their own families! So, who is married and how many children do they have? The boy band have all individually moved on in their personal lives and settled down with their wives and girlfriends, but which members are married and who has kids? The couple have two adorable daughters, Alaia-Mai, 9, and Valentina Raine, 5, and one baby boy, Blake, 1.

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Is jb gay from JlS? So, to restate my answer, JB Gill says he is not gay but I believe he may be. No he is not!!! Gal Gadot gives birth to fourth child. Witch on is gay out off jls? The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Answers. Is marvi from JLS gay? BBC Radio 1 confirm new schedule shake-up. Marvin's not gay, he is dating someone from the Saturdays. Which jls person is gay out of jb and Aston? No, all four members of Jls are hetrosexual.

Talking about Ace, Chloe says: "He's a confident and mature little boy so he thrives in these environments. She loves her dancing and she's just started gymnastics.

Find more answers. Who does jb love out of jls? Jls are not gay! Wiki User. NONE of them. He's not.. I really don't think it's a problem. All Rights Reserved. Study now See answers 8. Is jb gay from JlS? Trending Questions. Who out of JLS are gay?

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