Jimmy kent downton abbey

James Kent called Jimmy below stairs is a character on the series, Downton Abbey. He was played by actor Ed Speleers.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Ed Speleers Actor Producer Executive. Play trailer Irish Wish Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list.

Jimmy kent downton abbey

He was later promoted to first footman by Robert Crawley. Jimmy's father died in the Great War, and his mother from Spanish flu. All he has left, he tells Thomas Barrow , are "cousins. Jimmy has a "natural air of confidence and grace" that Alfred does not have, and "takes the role of first footman, as a natural right, a bone of contention. Jimmy was furious at that because he had never been called James in his life; even to Lady Anstruther he was called Jimmy. But Carson insisted he was James now and would remain James as long as he was at Downton. Ivy Stuart took a fancy to Jimmy, and so did Thomas Barrow. O'Brien took advantage of Jimmy's ambition after Thomas bullied her nephew, Alfred. Whether she knew of Thomas' sexual orientation or simply suspected it, O'Brien urged Jimmy to stay close to Thomas due to his work experience, as Thomas had previously been in the same job as Jimmy. O'Brien also said that because Thomas was at the time, Robert Crawley 's valet, he had influence with him and Jimmy should stay on his good side. Since Thomas was attracted to Jimmy, Thomas gladly took him under his wing.

However, James' past would come back to haunt him in the first episode of the fifth season, when his former employer, Lady Anstruther would come to Downton to stay. View history Talk 1.

Edward John Speleers born 7 April [1] is an English actor and producer. He is of Belgian descent. Extraordinarily controversial, Retribution dealt with the subject of paedophilia and was met with stunned reactions. Speleers' first professional role in was the lead in 20th Century Fox 's screen version of Christopher Paolini 's hit book Eragon. Speleers appeared in three episodes based on the story N or M?

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Ed Speleers Actor Producer Executive. Play trailer Irish Wish Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro.

Jimmy kent downton abbey

Edward John Speleers born 7 April [1] is an English actor and producer. He is of Belgian descent. Extraordinarily controversial, Retribution dealt with the subject of paedophilia and was met with stunned reactions. Speleers' first professional role in was the lead in 20th Century Fox 's screen version of Christopher Paolini 's hit book Eragon.

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Retrieved 18 February He is of Belgian descent. Self 12 Thanks 1 Archive Footage 2. Don't have an account? Retrieved 23 January Jimmy at the cricket match. Irish Wish. Sign In Register. Signature Entertainment. Archived from the original on 13 August They were caught in flagrante delicto by Robert Crawley , during a fire in the abbey.

Downton Abbey star, Ed Speleers teased Marie Claire with details of the season finale and his return in the next series. What do you think about Ed's character, Jimmy returning to the next series of Downton Abbey? Is he your favourite character?

Trivia He beat out , other applicants to win the title role in Eragon , a big-screen version of a popular novel by author Christopher Paolini. He flirts with Ivy and Mrs Hughes even thinks he may have unintentionally led Thomas on. The Straits Times. Jimmy Kent. Retrieved 1 April Retrieved 13 October However, James' past would come back to haunt him in the first episode of the fifth season, when his former employer, Lady Anstruther would come to Downton to stay. Personal details Edit. His ambition leads him to be easily influenced by others, as he is manipulated by O'Brien to stay close to Thomas for the advantage it may give his job, when he is in fact unsure and uncomfortable around him. For Love or Money. Breathe 7. Archived from the original on 13 October — via Instagram. Create account.

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