jewish mumsnet

Jewish mumsnet

Only those who have been a registered user of Mumsnet for at jewish mumsnet 7 days can post in this topic.

Her research interests include gender, language and sexuality, digital interaction, online privacy and discourse analysis. She is currently using qualitative methods to explore the discursive construction of motherhood through digital interaction on the Mumsnet talk forum. In recent years, researchers working within the discipline of applied linguistics and beyond have discovered stimulating opportunities to study human interaction, rituals and behaviours online. Applied linguists working with data from the internet therefore have a responsibility to continually scrutinise and re-evaluate the ethics of their research methods in line with fast-moving technological developments. In the past decade, an increasing number of scholars have advocated a case-based, context-sensitive approach to the issue of privacy, ethics and internet research. But the mechanisms for applying such an approach are often not made explicit, leaving researchers unsure how to proceed ethically in increasingly complex and shifting research contexts. Using a study of the Mumsnet Talk forum as a case, I show how my self-reflexive and linguistic approach, which draws on established traditions in qualitative research, has helped me to understand what many users of this forum see as normal information flows within this setting.

Jewish mumsnet

I'm a 29 yr old Jewish Orthodox religious mum of 2 little boys. Is there anything you'd like to ask about Orthodox Jewish life? Kill my time whilst I'm waiting to be called in for an appointment. When I get called in for my app I'll have to run but will try respond later if there are questions. How does it work having two kitchens? Is one for everything except dairy or is one for everything except meat? Or do you just have double of things in each kitchen? Have you watched Unorthodox? What do you think of My Unorthodox Life? Do you live in a jewish community? If your ds's are circumcised is that due solely to your religion or would you have had them done regardless? Not a pop just a genuine ask This means we keep dairy and meaty food utensils separate.

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We are funded by you. Donate to support our work. Mumsnet offers a rare forum for open discussion. No wonder intolerant activists want to shut it down. This is particularly true with Mumsnet. Any worry, fear, anxiety or mundane question you might have as a parent will most likely be answered by a lengthy thread on Mumsnet. Click and it shall be opened unto you.

MNHQ have commented on this thread. I was asked by Mumsnet to start a post here to request a Jewish Mumsnetter section. This request comes out of a thread where Jewish people were discussing ethnic and religious identities that was then co-opted by others refusing to provide space for those conversations. Thus illustrating the need for a distinct Jewish space on here. Of course, Jewish conversation and contribution is valuable across mumsnet, but a neat space for Jewish perspectives to be protected and valued is a great addition - just as Black, South Asian, Welsh, Irish and Scottish mumsnetters have and benefit from. We'll certainly give consideration to a Jewish Mumsnetters section if there is demand. You're quite welcome to start a thread in Site Stuff to ask if others feel the same. I hope this may serve as an opportunity for Mumsnet to build much needed bridges. Not jewish but support this.

Jewish mumsnet

On the thread Israelilefty started, people were asking about Orthodox Judaism. So I am starting another one here. Other Orthodox Jewish women are welcome to answer too, so we have more of a range of answers.

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Historical puzzle - can you help answer my questions? Mumsnet classics Follow topic. Olson, Grudin and Horvitz , in Nissenbaum : This claim disregards statistically small differences of perception, rendering them irrelevant or anomalous. New York: Oxford University Press. It shows things as they truly are. In addition to the direct discussion with freespirit, the importance of anonymity and the strategies Mumsnet users employ to achieve it became apparent quite quickly through my observations of the site. Book identification 3. Volume 8 Issue She considers, as an example, the appropriateness of sharing information about the condition of our bodies, which she suggests would be expected and usual in a healthcare setting, but probably unexpected and inappropriate in the workplace. Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January My understanding of informational norms, and in particular, the strategies employed by Mumsnet users to achieve a level of privacy, continued to develop through the process of linguistic analysis in my study. Mumsnet is the one place where parents feel they can go and have a proper discussion. The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. We couldn't log you in.

DP is a non practising Jew but wants to go back. He says if we do we have to follow the Sabbath rules nothing electric the whole of Saturday and I want to take DCs to activities on the weekend.

The site includes relatively static, informative pages on topics such as money, work and education, a reviews section, bloggers network, and the discussion board for which it is most well-known: Mumsnet Talk. Rather than trying to force online contexts into the familiar but often reductive categories of public and private, or somewhere on a sliding scale between the two, many scholars have instead turned their attention to the notion of what is appropriate in context. Dysfunctional Wed Jun Thurlow no offence taken. On further discussion see Extract 4 , BertieBotts revealed what it was that helped her to overcome her mistrust of me as a potential outsider. Rally in London today Only spiked supporters and patrons, who donate regularly to us, can comment on our articles. It dares to allow women to think freely, to be complex, as we know the human mind is. Similarly, in my own study, I have found that contributors persistently position themselves as female, heterosexual, middle-class parents. These are often very frank, open and — crucially — not always PC. Gold, Raymond L. My engagement with Mumsnet Talk leads me to conceptualise this forum as a type of participatory culture Jenkins , in that it has low barriers to participation and, as noted above, its users share knowledge, advice and support. The methods I explicate have been widely used by scholars in a range of contexts, including internet research in the applied linguistics discipline and beyond.

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