jesus calling march 16

Jesus calling march 16

My children, I am here beside you. Draw near in spirit to Me.

It is good that you recognize your weakness. That keeps you looking to Me, your Strength. Abundant life is not necessarily health and wealth; it is living in continual dependence on Me. Jesus Calling , March In , my husband and I, along with another friend, started a non-profit.

Jesus calling march 16

Lord thank you again for bringing me your word. And such great timing. Your words hit me deep. Anxiety wrap you up in your own self trapping you in your own thoughts. Sometimes I do not realize that my own worries have placed my eyes where they should not be. I walked boldly in you. I try to walk obedient lien you. Yet the trials of what I am going through in fast in my mind and even as I sleep at night I have dreams that take me away. And there you are refueling me and refreshing me and refocusing me. I cannot thank you enough for giving me your word.

When climbing a steep hill, a man is often more conscious of the weakness of his stumbling feet than of the view, the grandeur, or even of his upward progress. Thank you! I loved this.


Prayer, love and compassion are key components in the Jesus Calls ministry. All the endeavors of Jesus Calls portray these major dynamics. The uniqueness of this global ministry is that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his entire family minister together to various people groups without regard to nationality, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. As a result, Jesus Calls necessitates a multi-faceted approach to a ministry that extends to men, women, youth, children, families, sick, the poor and needy. This mission is fulfilled through the Prayer Towers, Prayer Festivals, magazines, broadcast and digital media.

Jesus calling march 16

Being a Pisces born on March 16th, you are an enthusiastic and poised person. You are popular and well sought by your friends because of the advice you give, mostly when you are in a good mood yourself. You are relentless when it comes to having a problem to solve and are not afraid to take the long and arduous way if this is the right thing to do. Prepare to read an exceptional report below. The zodiac sign for March 16 is Pisces. Astrological symbol: Fishes.

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Lord, I can accept any situation and be content in it, not because I am special or have great peace of mind, but because You give me strength. Heavenly Father, Help us to lighten up and laugh with You because You are on our side. I am dependent on no one agency when I am your supply. Yet, even with that, some folks pray earnestly for cures or positive outcomes and it doesn't happen. Have never taken her off my prayer list so now I'll pray for all of her weaknesses and infirmities to be healed. I was so unsure that I could be the up-front leader, but as my giftings were the medicine for the moment, I started relying on my own skills to lead the organization. For these things, we don't need a script for we each have our own experience of His love in our lives to share. And I truly love God and truly love love too. To put those things first puts all life in perfect order. We pay His perfect Love forward and get to keep it for ourselves too.


God is your strength and your song. Claim big, really big, things now. Wherever the soul is, I am. So would it be with human intercourse. Thank you sister Brie! Sounds like you have a full weekend planned with fun, food and family. Laugh with Him. It is given Me of My Father, and have not My intimate friends a right to ask it? Father, please draw anonymous's husband to You and remove his resentments and replace them with thanksgiving and the love of the spirit. Just trust. Can you really trust Me? They are not alone. Had my Bible group last night and it was a blessing. I judge not by outward appearances, I judge the heart, and I see in both your hearts one single desire, to do My Will. From Philippians 2 5 Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ, 6 Who, though He was God, did not demand and cling to His Rights as God, 7 but laid aside His Mighty Power and Glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men.

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