Jax counter

Jax top on Patch While Jax top is countered most by top champions of Urgotjax counter, Dr. Below is a detailed jax counter of Jax top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Jax wins against Urgot

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Jax counter

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Jax wins lane against Name Gold diff Kayle Top. Shen Top. Nasus Top.

An other option you have is standing in the middle of the lane, and sometimes bad Jacques will Q-E into you, jax counter, if that's the case just tank his damage then buffer you E onto a wall, jax counter will get stunned but you have enough time to E onto him again, if you hit him and you have your shield you can take the trade, but don't overextend if he's like mid HP or more. Get Hullbreaker to be unkillable if he's ahead grab black cleaver to counter his ult. Eventually you will have poked him to the point spider man rule34 you can just all in jax counter.


Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.

Jax counter

Even if these Jax counter picks are not taken in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to choose him into one of these matchups. They will very likely destroy Jax. Jax is particularly strong in late-game scenarios, which means it's critical to pressure him early. He is vulnerable in the early game and can be kept in check with aggressive play before he acquires his core items. He has a distinct weakness against champions who can kite him out of his attack range and those who are ranged. Use these champions to poke him until he's low on health, and then aim for an all-in assault. His passive allows him to split push, making him a threat when his team is behind.


Kayn Jungler. The average opponent winrate against Garenis Fiddlesticks the Ancient Fear. Plus his Armor ult. Jax wins against Akali Play safe. Jax top on Patch If you can keep the wave close to your tower he has a hard time. The good thing about this matchup is that you can basically poke him down with Q and disengage with E if he jumps on to you. Jax wins against Gangplank Priortize core item against Jax and build tank items afterward. He's my perma ban at the moment mostly because he's impossible to win lane against, and difficult to outscale plus Akshan Top is such a rare pick that you're better off just banning Jax.

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Repeat until you win lane. The damage he takes, he often cannot heal back while you can. Just bait his jump, wall him then trade, then back off, repeat till he dies. Taliyah Jungler. He isn't too nimble so he cannot dodge your Q very well. Prepare for his godly late-game. After Divine you win. Evelynn Jungler. Similar to Fiora, you have to hold your cougar Q until the end of Jax's E. It really isn't hard to play Jax into Kled and although Fiora is a harder lane The average opponent winrate against Zacis Jax loses more against Name Winrate. He can be kited. If he does get fed, look for when he tries to jump on your ADC and peel for him.

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