japanese nurse movie

Japanese nurse movie

Not Rated min Crime, Drama, Mystery. An executive of a Yokohama shoe company becomes a victim of extortion when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped by mistake and held for ransom. Votes: 52,

A disgruntled former patient interrupts the kooky routines of a hospital's employees. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Director Kazuyuki Morosawa.

Japanese nurse movie


She meets Rui a former kick boxer, Seventeen year old high school student Rio Ozawa is always the center of attention due to her beauty.


Nanase Sakura met Doctor Kairi Tendo and fell in love with him. She then studied hard to became a nurse and finally meets Kairi Tendo again. But she realizes that he has a totally different personality than what she imagined. Votes: 1, Stories of Unnatural Death Investigation, a Japanese non-governmental organization as they work on unnatural death cases and try to reveal the truth behind the deaths. These five doctors differ in personalities and age, but, under the motto of never refusing a patient, they begin their work in the night doctor team. Votes: The 'helicopter doctor' is a medical team who dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. Four young physicians are assigned to the team and deal with situations they never had.

Japanese nurse movie

In September , a nurse tending to a patient at the Oguchi Hospital accidentally dropped an infusion bag , causing the solution inside to begin foaming. The diamitol used for the crime was used for business purposes and was placed at various places in the hospital, making it extremely difficult to identify the culprit. At the end of June , the prefectural police began to interview Kuboki based on the circumstantial evidence they had gathered up until then. On July 28, she was charged with an additional murder concerning the death of another patient in September , who died after the antiseptic solution was mixed in with his drip. She later retracted those statements, admitting that her motive for killing the patients was her fear of explaining the deaths to their family members. Before the murders occurred, there were reports of vandalism at the ward, with items being stabbed with needles or going missing, and robes being torn.

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Not Rated 95 min Drama, Romance, War. When Wabisuke's father-in-law unexpectedly dies, the family goes through a series of events and occurrences as the funeral unfolds over three days in their home. Not Rated min Comedy. The movie hits a seemingly unnecessary and melancholy wrinkle towards the end. Director: Mac P. Midnight Clinical Test Video Horror 8. One day, she returns to her hometown in Goto Islands from Tokyo. Several of the actors who fail to win roles participate as extras. An earth-quake causes a nuclear crisis in a fictive Japanese prefecture. Director Kazuyuki Morosawa. Toru recalls his life in the s, when his friend Kizuki killed himself and he grew close to Naoko, Kizuki's girlfriend, and another woman, the outgoing, lively Midori. Their cases range from the criminal to merely asocial. A quirky young woman who loves antiques embarks on risky adventures and business endeavors with her eccentric friends, trying to score a unique item that will finally be worth a huge profit In wake of the disaster, the members of the Ono family who reside just outside the border of the mandatory evacuation zone face uncertainty.

In the top there are new films of , a plot description and trailers for films that have already been released. Narumi is on bad terms with her husband Shinji when one day, Shinji goes missing.

Inspired by an actual occurrence in Japan Haru who has relocated to Hiroshima in southern Japan comes across a rogue telephone booth in the middle of nowhere when she returns to Iwate As part of her job she provides outpatient services A nurse is framed for her involvement in the hospital murder of a politician who was threatening to expose corrupt practices. Kazuyuki Morosawa. Nurse Azakura is so distracted by having fun that she often gets in conflict with the head nurse Ozaki. Masajiro Miyazawa owns and runs a pawn shop for generations. Related news. Top cast Edit. Recently viewed. Several of the actors who fail to win roles participate as extras. Director Kazuyuki Morosawa. Midnight Clinical Test Video Horror 8. She also happens to be Yuichi Hamano.

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