james cerne nude

James cerne nude

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Keywords: Great Nudity! Salt and pepper stud James Cerne manages to make the look work. And while we've only gotten one really great chance to see him in all his glory, we do get to see his little Jimmy James is all muscle in You're Killing Me , eventually dropping his towel and showing off every last inch of him. Here's hoping we get to see him in action sooner, rather than later. Made with love in Chicago since ! All Rights Reserved.

James cerne nude


Swantonbombj said:. Reactions: resuH2arryfreexone03 and others. Log in.


By Artspace Editors. Historically made to embody strength, power, and virility, the male nude can also evoke beauty, vulnerability, and sexual intrigue. As we discussed with the photography critic Philip Gefter , these images of the body have the potential to challenge taboos around male eroticism and identity , paving the way for future explorations of what it means to be male. This list, excerpted from Phaidon 's new book Body of Art , includes examples from monumental 17th century chalk drawings and Enlightenment-era scientific models to contemporary hyperrealistic sculptures—all proudly owning their nakedness. Click here to learn more about Phaidon's Body of Art and buy the book. The kouros "youth"; pl.

James cerne nude

While we have spoken to many hot men in the past, Loverboy has yet to interview a work of art. Till now. So James, what exactly IS it that you do? A lot of things. DJing mostly, but also acting, writing, producing parties, go-go dancing, getting my picture taken sometimes. Which is a terrible fit for me, because your shift never ends, and I hate to work. Judging by your Instagram there is a fair amount of dressing up involved in your life.

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Sort by date Most Liked Posts. Models and Celebrities Jan 31, Massimo-. Biography Salt and pepper stud James Cerne manages to make the look work. Reactions: Civillaw , UrAndy , eric and 29 others. Reactions: raifishki , kev , longlegspiderhead and 21 others. Free Signup. Swantonbombj Cherished Member. Massimo- Jan 31, Models and Celebrities. James is all muscle in You're Killing Me , eventually dropping his towel and showing off every last inch of him. Model James Cerne. You must log in or register to reply here. Reactions: Ppoiupmeeat , kev , longlegspiderhead and 14 others.

The one that started it all.

Massimo- Jan 31, Models and Celebrities. Reactions: Civillaw , UrAndy , eric and 29 others. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Top Bottom. Swantonbombj Cherished Member. Reactions: LovePico. Top James Cerne Scenes. Paxxle Loved Member. Salt and pepper stud James Cerne manages to make the look work. Sort by date Most Liked Posts. Swantonbombj said:. Reactions: Ppoiupmeeat , freexone03 , aramaki and 53 others. Username or e-mail address. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Vids or scruff album?

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