izumi avatar

Izumi avatar

She ascended the throne in AG following her father's abdication. Izumi avatar became famous for her efforts to reform the Fire Nation's government and cultivate peaceful relations with the other nations, izumi avatar, including the United Republic of Nations.

Any person who has seen their fair share of excellent animated shows would know everything there is to know about Avatar: The Last Airbender. Nickelodeon stumbled upon an absolute goldmine with this show, which was considered by many to be the finest animated show on Western channels in quite some time. The success of this show was so widespread that Nickelodeon decided to expand upon the series with The Legend Of Korra , a sequel that also ended up being excellent in its own unique way. The Legend Of Korra introduced several new tidbits to the lore of the world, some of which wasn't really explained all that properly. The story of Fire Lord Izumi comes to mind, who sporadically appears throughout the series before magically disappearing out of existence for good.

Izumi avatar

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Izumi is a minor character in the animated series The Legend of Korra. She was voiced by April Stewart , who also voiced Raava in the same series. Following her father's abdication, she ascended the throne in AG. She is among the leaders of the nations called in to deal with threats to the balance of both nature and political harmony. Much about her is unknown save for that she seems emotionally repressed while still being dedicated to making sure no one throws the nations of the world out of balance like her ancestors had. She is very concerned with the Fire-Nation returning or even appearing to return to its warmongering ways from the previous generation. Because of the Fire Nation's past of forcing the whole world into a pointless war, Izumi refuses to take part in an unprovoked offensive against the Earth Empire unless there is absolutely no other choice. She does, however, agree to grant President Raiko her support in defending Republic City should the Earth Empire attack first. Her son has also described her as someone who would be willing to assist or at least hear out the Avatar.

Though considering her later position regarding the Earth Empire, it's unlikely that she would've lent military izumi avatar in the Water Tribe Civil War based solely on Korra's word at the time.


The Hundred Year War, which Zuko's great-grandfather Sozin began in the name of conquest, saw the Fire Nation pitted against the other three nations in an unprecedented conflict, one that Zuko's father, Fire Lord Ozai , sought to end by ascending to the tyrannical status of Phoenix King. A running subplot throughout the original Avatar: The Last Airbender series details, in a roundabout way, how Zuko comes to claim his place on the throne of the Fire Nation. He initially seeks to do this by capturing Avatar Aang for the Fire Nation in order to restore his lost honor. However, after much internal conflict, he has a change of heart and decides to confront his father, who was responsible for both his banishment and his scar. Zuko ruled for 67 years, from AG to AG, which, while not without incident, was a period of relative tranquility across the four nations and saw the establishment, by the Fire Lord and the Avatar, of the United Republic of Nations in the former Fire Nation colonies. His reign ended when he opted to abdicate the throne, leaving it to his daughter Izumi and going to live in semi-retirement on Ember Island. Channeling the ways of his old friend Aang, Zuko became an advocate for peace and balance in the world, although this was an informal, unofficial position, the specifics of which have not yet been elaborated upon. He also took it upon himself to ensure the new Avatar's safety, in which capacity he fights Zaheer and his followers in Book 3: Change , having faced them many years before when they came after a very young Korra. Druk, Zuko's dragon companion and a descendant of Ran and Shaw, accompanied him during this time.

Izumi avatar

Anyone who knows good television could easily tell you that Avatar: The Last Airbender was a show ahead of its time. Even though it was made with children in mind, it managed to capture the hearts of teens and adults as well. So great was the success that it spawned an entire franchise: from tie-in comics, toys, and even a spinoff series. The Legend of Korra may have its issues, but it is certainly a series of great classes. It is revealed she also had a daughter. He had ruled for nearly seven decades. She also takes her role as a leader seriously, showing no tolerance for humor when discussing military actions. She generally exudes a firm demeanor when people attempt to make her change her mind. The other two are her aunt Azula and her unnamed daughter.

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Cancel Save. The Fire Nation was at the center of most conflicts for the longest time in the Avatar series , with most people pointing their fingers at them when it came to highlighting the atrocities committed at that time. Sign In Register. Following the anarchy in the Earth Kingdom in AG, Izumi and the other world leaders tasked Kuvira with restoring order to the chaos-ravaged nation, granting her the position of interim president until the Earth Kingdom was stabilized enough for Prince Wu 's return and restoration to the Earth Kingdom throne. She takes her responsibilities as a Fire Lord extremely seriously, refusing to bow down to any demands that aren't in sync with the best interests of her nation. Edit source View history Talk For the inquisitive Avatar fans out there, here are ten things about Fire Lord Izumi that people had no idea about. Finally, the Fire Nation would be ruled by someone with a level head who could analyze situations instead of settling every dispute with brute force. One surprising thing that people should know about Fire Lord Izumi is the fact that she is one of just three females that have supposedly been a part of the Fire Nation Royal Family. Heroes Wiki. Sign In Register. Episode 5.

Avatar: The Last Airbender 's brooding Prince Zuko becomes the Fire Lord at the end of the series, but he lived a long life after that and returned in sequel series The Legend of Korra as an old man with his own dragon mount.

View history Talk 0. Book Four: Balance Blu-ray. Because of the Fire Nation's past of forcing the whole world into a pointless war, Izumi refuses to take part in an unprovoked offensive against the Earth Empire unless there is absolutely no other choice. Fantasy Sci-fi. Izumi and the other world leaders convened after the coronation and agreed to send Suyin Beifong as their representative to speak with Kuvira and convince the metalbender to step down. Izumi The Legend of Korra. Finally, the Fire Nation would be ruled by someone with a level head who could analyze situations instead of settling every dispute with brute force. Much about her is unknown save for that she seems emotionally repressed while still being dedicated to making sure no one throws the nations of the world out of balance like her ancestors had. Episode 5. Weeks after Korra failed to stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu , Izumi attended a meeting of the world leaders, although without the Water Tribes ' representatives, at City Hall. Book Two: Spirits. Nickelodeon stumbled upon an absolute goldmine with this show, which was considered by many to be the finest animated show on Western channels in quite some time. Fan Feed 1 Zuko 2 Avatar 3 Aang. Sometimes, she also sends heroes with specialized experience and knowledge on behalf of the Fire Nation according to the needs of the other nations. There, she sat next to her father and witnessed Kuvira denounce Wu's authority and dissolve the Earth Kingdom in favor of the Earth Empire under her own rule.

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