is linda eastenders pregnant

Is linda eastenders pregnant

EastEnders shows actress Kellie Bright's real-life pregnancy bump in new scenes for her character Linda Carter. The year-old actress is expecting her third child with her husband Paul Stocker, having previously welcomed son Freddie in and son Gene in Mirroring the actress' real-life pregnancy, it was recently revealed in the BBC One soap opera that her character Linda is also pregnant. However, there is a slight snag for Linda as the father of is linda eastenders pregnant unborn child is not beloved husband Mick Carter Danny Dyer but former fling Max Branning, who recently fled Albert Square following actor Jake Wood's departure from the soap, is linda eastenders pregnant.

Linda Carter will embark on a whole new chapter of her life, while Zack Hudson receives a blast from the past, which leads to a shock discovery. Who is Linda Carter without Mick by her side? Can she rebuild her life and create a new one? Linda is a tough cookie. I am quite excited about what is going to happen next. The dad-to-be is blown away by the shock arrival of an old acquaintance, named Brett. The couple are, once more, at odds with one another, and this only intensifies as the weeks progress.

Is linda eastenders pregnant

Kellie Bright's on-screen character on EastEnders, Linda Carter, has had a rough time of it lately, but off-screen the actress has been enjoying life with her actor hubby and their three kids. Her character has endured a difficult start to the year with those closest to her in Walford trying to help her through it. She has since spent her time trying to move forward with her life, but she's set to relive her trauma with Janine Butcher Charlie Brooks ready to decide on her plea. To make matters worse, she has been left heartbroken after overhearing a drunken revelation from Alfie Moon Shane Richie. All of this comes months after Linda, who entered the London soap in , was seriously injured in a dramatic car crash. Away from the cameras, Kellie has led a less dramatic life with her actor husband Paul Stocker. He is best known for his role on Atonement. The pair first met when they were co-stars in a play. Kellie, 45, has also been joined by hubby Paul, 40, for the odd cameo on EastEnders , ranging from a role as a policemen to being a violent robber. They tied the knot in with Kellie's co-stars such as on-screen hubby Danny Dyer among the guests at the ceremony.

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No fake bumps this time for Kellie Bright, the actress who plays Linda Carter on the BBC soap, who's tweeted she's having her second child. Kellie's real life joy is a sharp contrast to the pregnancy and baby dramas that Linda has suffered as mum and landlady of the Queen Vic. After a paternity test revealed the father of her baby Ollie was indeed her husband and not Dean, the man who'd raped her, the couple faced more trauma when their son was rushed to hospital after he stopped breathing. They're now unsure whether he may have suffered permanent brain damage. That storyline will run for a while, but Linda will then disappear from our screens at some point during her pregnancy. But fear not, soap lovers.

EastEnders star Kellie Bright has given birth to her third child. The actress, who portrays Linda Carter on the BBC One soap, announced that she was pregnant in March this year , after undergoing a frozen embryo transfer. It was successful. We managed to get four good, strong embryos. One became Gene, the other three went into the freezer.

Is linda eastenders pregnant

The star, who plays Linda Carter in the soap, is having a third child with husband Paul Stocker after what she called a "rollercoaster" IVF journey. Kellie and Paul , 38, already have sons Freddy, nine, and Gene, four. The soap favourite told OK! After Gene was born, Kellie stored three extra embryos. After failed pregnancy attempts with two of them, the final one became the couple's third child. But those three months, between September and November, were a real roller coaster. Kellie also hit back at those who might criticise her for having a baby at her age, saying: "If I was a man having my third child at 44, no one would bat an eyelid. She added her husband - who is in his 30s - is full of energy and is used to running around after their children. She explained that the pair decided to try for a third child at the end of but their plans were put on hold by the coronavirus outbreak.

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But will everything go to plan? King Charles' secret to staying strong amid cancer treatment revealed by royal photographer. Since her arrival, Kellie's character Linda has been a part of some of the show's biggest storylines such as struggling to accept that her son Johnny is Gay. Kellie Bright's on-screen character on EastEnders, Linda Carter, has had a rough time of it lately, but off-screen the actress has been enjoying life with her actor hubby and their three kids. More like this. Coronation Street icon dead at 'He will be sorely missed'. Thank you for subscribing! In the second instalment, the couple's daughter Nancy warned Mick when he returned home that he had missed the appointment and told him: 'You need to talk to mum, she's going to think you didn't go to the scan on purpose. In addition, she has tackled a number of sensitive topics, including rape, alcoholism and of course the grief of losing a loved one. They tied the knot in with Kellie's co-stars such as on-screen hubby Danny Dyer among the guests at the ceremony. Gary Barlow announces huge new project after battle with bulimia.

This news made Linda unnerved, given that Max had taken Abi. With all eyes on the fire over at 55 Victoria Road, it was down to Jack to assist Linda in delivering her baby. Jack, however, commented that Mick should be the one to be with her during such a crucial moment.

It was significant enough for me to be in floods of tears with my husband cradling me. Kat has found herself conflicted between the two men in her life. Away from her busy schedule as an in demand soap star, Kellie is happily married to fellow actor Paul Stocker, who has appeared in EastEnders and also in Hollywood movie Atonement alongside Keira Knightley and James McAvoy. The couple are, once more, at odds with one another, and this only intensifies as the weeks progress. Authors Elizabeth Atkin. Lola Pearce was completely blown away when Jay got down on one knee and popped the question on Christmas Day, but despite her initially turning him down, the hairdresser ultimately said yes! More like this. See Our Privacy Notice. Can she rebuild her life and create a new one? Away from the cameras, Kellie has led a less dramatic life with her actor husband Paul Stocker. EastEnders' Linda Carter star off screen: Famous husband, age gap worries and miracle baby.

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