Iron man late model series

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Iron man late model series


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The front five would remain the same as Weaver would catch the rear of the field on lap ten, however, the caution would wave for a spin by Ahnna Parkhurst in turn four. The restart would not see a full lap completed as Shun Thomas would spin his entry in turn four and see the caution appear again. The next attempted restart would also come back when Josh Rice and Thomas would tangle on the frontchute. Action would finally get back underway and Weaver would maintain the race lead, with McIntosh, Ownbey, Brooks, and Seawright still second through fifth. The front five would remain the same, with Brooks pressuring Ownbey for third on lap nineteen as Weaver would again catch the rear of the field only to see the caution flag wave once again, this time for a spin by Rice in turn four.

Iron man late model series

Weather Forecast : Partly cloudy and warm with daytime highs in the 80s and nighttime lows in the 60s. Pre-race Notes : This is the 10th annual Scott Sexton Memorial named for the Pigeon Forge, Tennessee racing great who passed away in after a prolonged battle with illness. Chris Ferguson joins ranks of crown jewel winners with Show-Me triumph. Qualifying Results : There will be one group qualifying. No one will be locked into the feature via qualifying. McDowell

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