iranproud movies

Iranproud movies

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Shabhaaye Mafia Zodiac. Sanjar Khan. Fesaade Tokyo. Daftar Yaddasht. Gonaahe Fereshteh. Bist Covid.

Iranproud movies


Hekaayate Ma. Khodkardeh Ra Tadbir Nist. Khooneh Madar Bozorgeh.


PG min Drama. A married couple are faced with a difficult decision - to improve the life of their child by moving to another country or to stay in Iran and look after a deteriorating parent who has Alzheimer's disease. PG 89 min Drama, Family, Sport. After a boy loses his sister's pair of shoes, he goes on a series of adventures in order to find them. When he can't, he tries a new way to "win" a new pair. Not Rated 95 min Drama. An Iranian man drives his car in search of someone who will quietly bury him under a cherry tree after he commits suicide. PG 96 min Drama, Family.

Iranproud movies

Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission. Yet despite this or rather because of it , many Iranian movies are difficult to view in the West. Yet the past few years have seen the most internationally acclaimed Iranian films make their way to streaming services — a boon for cinephiles as well as those looking to get to know the country better through its cinematic tradition, which is rooted in social justice. Here are 25 essential Iranian movies available to stream or watch as VOD, including classic hybrid documentaries, psychological dramas, and gory thrillers that attest to the terrifying reality of life under theocracy. Directed by Jafar Panahi. From this loophole albeit one the regime eventually arrested him for exploiting emerged a series of films in which Panahi plays himself. Taxi Tehran , which won the top prize at the Berlin International Film Festival, is his most joyous, petulant response to the ban. In the film, Panahi moonlights as a taxi driver; using his dashboard camera, he records discussions on capital punishment, freedom of artistic expression, and crime with his passengers — including the now-imprisoned human-rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. Directed by Asghar Farhadi.

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Fesaade Tokyo. Shabhaaye Mafia Zodiac. Vijheh Barnameye Nowrouzie Aparat. Thread starter Babr Start date Aug 1, Log in. Bist Covid. Prev 1 … Go to page. Neshaate Zendegim. Shab Khosh. Shaame Aali. Bache Tehroon Elite Member Dec 17, To weed it out, elite operatives hunt in the shadows, deploying drones, social-media and old-fashioned gumshoe tactics in a quest to thwart spies and traitors.

Iranian entertainment fans frequently visit Iranproud, a well-liked online platform that can be accessed via Iranproud. Iranproud has attracted viewers all over the world with its enormous selection of Iranian films, TV series, and serials.

Sorkhpoost was a good movie for Iranian standards, but let's not forget what it's pretending to be. Iranian TV series, Movies. Half-decent movie. Ghiaame Osmaan. She can't touch men. New posts. Search forums. Faryadi Baraye Azadi. Fesaade Tokyo. Iranproud is the most garbage site ever. Tabeid Be Abi.

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