Ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları 5 sınıf sayfa 55

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Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Physical appearance should not be the sole determinant of a person's worth. Inner qualities, character, and skills are equally or more important. While physical appearance might provide some initial impressions, it doesn't reveal the full complexity of an individual's character and experiences.

Ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları 5 sınıf sayfa 55

Where do you live? In a city or in a village? Do you like your hometown? Share your opinions with your friends. Look at the pictures on pages 48 and Match the words and phrases with the pictures. Konya is larger than Burdur. Downtown is busier on Mondays. A skyscraper is higher than a school building. The street is more crowded than the park. The city life is more interesting than the country life. Listen to the dialogue and write the names of the cities under the pictures. Then, compare these cities. Read the text above. Correct and rewrite the sentences according to the text.

Read about the famous artworks. Kim o? Use the information you have written in Exercise d.

Do you know the creators of these world-famous masterpieces? Complete the descriptions of them with the names of the artists given. Read about the famous artworks. Which one is your favourite? Explain why. It is created between and by……………………. E The Starry Night,……………………… ………………….

We… adopt two cats last year. I… see a pig in the jungle yesterday. People… hunt elephants for their ivory. Mammoths … live in America, Asia , Europe and Africa years ago. The dogs… bark when they see a cat.

Ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları 5 sınıf sayfa 55

Which ones do you do every day? Tick the ones you do every day. I am Daisy. I am a student in the 5th grade. I have breakfast at a quarter past seven. After breakfast, I brush my teeth. I get dressed and get on the school bus at a quarter to eight. My classes start at half past eight.

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She has got short, fair hair. How about you? First, study the script of the recording. Do you know the creators of these world-famous masterpieces? Describe their physical appearances and clothes as in the example. Partner 1: So, you're more into a laid-back look. Downtown is busier on Mondays. Use the clues below. Mary works with children for a volunteer project. Sue is helping her mother in the kitchen. My friend, Jenny, looks very serious and moody. Malala has long dark hair and expressive brown eyes. Mary is usually serious, but Jenny is the opposite.

Hi, I am Duygu.

Match the words and phrases with the pictures. Then, write the meanings under the pictures. Congressional leaders come out with 6 spending bills in a drive to avoid a partial shutdown. They both share the ambition to make a difference in people's lives through their pursuits. She is normally very serious, but she becomes the funniest girl when she is with children. Or is it sue? Mary is usually serious, but Jenny is the opposite. Paul March 3. Inspirational people can emerge from various backgrounds and life experiences. I can describe current actions in pictures. Write True T or False F according to the information about the giraffes below. He is in his thirties. My inspiring character is Penelope Cruz. It's a formal event, and the dress code is pretty standardized. Partner 2: Exactly, I prefer outfits that allow me to move freely and feel at ease.

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