Imdb girls5eva

With their album about to drop, Wickie takes career advice from imdb girls5eva "normal"; Dawn is alarmed by mysterious symptoms; Gloria tries to ignore thoughts about other women. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

As Girls5eva competes to be the opening act on Collab's world tour, the women grapple with the feasibility of leaving New York. Sheawn : You're a star, like Vin Diesel or Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music.

Imdb girls5eva

Summer's husband, Kev, is home from Tampa; Dawn follows the Dolly method to write a hit; Wickie dates a younger guy. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music. Director LP. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director LP. Photos Add photo. Top cast Edit. Sara Bareilles Dawn Solano. Busy Philipps Summer Dutkowsky. Paula Pell Gloria McManus. Tina Fey Dolly Parton. Andrew Rannells Kev Hamlin.

Meredith Scardino.

The women try to get heat by guest-starring in Stinker's latest music video; Dawn has doubts about her son entering the business; Wickie assumes the role of Girls5eva's publicist; Summer pus Read all The women try to get heat by guest-starring in Stinker's latest music video; Dawn has doubts about her son entering the business; Wickie assumes the role of Girls5eva's publicist; Summer pushes Gloria to flirt. The women try to get heat by guest-starring in Stinker's latest music video; Dawn has doubts about her son entering the business; Wickie assumes the role of Girls5eva's publicist; Summer pushes Gloria to flirt. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

A one-hit-wonder band from the '90s gets a second shot at fame when a young rapper samples their song. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

Imdb girls5eva

Girls5eva is an American musical comedy television series created by Meredith Scardino that premiered on May 6, , on Peacock. It follows four women who were part of a girl group named Girls5eva, which was briefly popular around the year before fading into one-hit-wonder status. Now unfulfilled in their various lives, they reunite to try to find musical success again. In June , it was renewed for a second season which premiered on May 5, In October , after Peacock decided not to continue the series, it was announced that it would move to Netflix for its third season. A s girl group that managed to score only one hit gets an unexpected chance at a comeback when their song is sampled by an up-and-coming rapper.

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Girls5eva track down their old songwriter, Alf Musik; Dawn questions if she wants a second baby. Comedy Music. Release date May 6, United States. See our picks. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Top cast Edit. Paula Pell Gloria McManus. Related news. Storyline Edit. Release date May 6, United States. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Daniel Breaker Scott. Comedy Music. Learn more.

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New Customer? Gibson Frazier Dr. Edit page. Connections References Danger Mouse Technical specs Edit. Recently viewed. Director Brennan Shroff. Grey Henson Tate. Paula Pell Gloria McManus. Connections References Danger Mouse Brennan Shroff. Top credits Director LP. Nelson Chalas Boy Next Door 1.

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