hypno porn stories

Hypno porn stories

Scrolling for spirals to make herself feel better, Madam reached for her tumbler of scotch and tipped back another swig.

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Hypno porn stories

A world of wars, intrigue and magic. The world is full of contradictions and conflicts. Try to survive and rise from the bottom of the social pyramid. In this world, there are no simple solutions, no unambiguous persons, no independence from society, and often These branching stories are going to have 3 very simple premises: 1 You exist in a world where your character AND ONLY your character gets to have sex with whatever group or groups of people you choose wherever and whenever he or she desires. A depository for stories involving magical items that control people and alter reality usually for erotic reasons Your favorite superheroes and freeuse supersluts protect and service the populace! Also includes characters from other fictional media. You're a closet pervert that wakes up with a notebook that has unfiltered power. Mind control is a lot funnier when the victim doesn't realize what they are doing, don't you think? Tag: hypno Search by SmutMD.

Miss Udders - Part 3 Lily's humiliation is completed in a creamy, sticky grand finale.

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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. The auditorium lights dimmed and the stage lights brightened as the hypnotist walked out onto the stage. The audience applauded. They were in Las Vegas to have fun. Adult fun in Sin City, and this was definitely an adult-themed show.

Hypno porn stories

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Janice looked mournfully down at the pack of cigarettes at the bottom of the binbag for a moment. Clean break, she thought, tying off the top of the bag and carrying it outside. Today would be the day that her tapes arrived, and she knew how dangerous the 'just one more' mentality could be. She had had about a thousand last cigarettes in her time.

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All food-No MSG. College Co-Eds of the Corn Pt. An agent attempts to infiltrate an internation criminal gang, but is caught. The Advert. Alternative Lifestyle. Jennifer Hansen, programmed into a ravenous unsatisfiable slut and sent into the world to fend for herself, ends up at the Craven-Wilford Institute for Mental Health, meeting other patients affected by the mind-controlling Specials. On the path to becoming one of the most powerful hypnodommes in the world, Peggy ruthlessly pursues her goals. Elizabeth on the Bathroom Floor A woman's slut trigger accidentally trips. Against the Wall. Following the Battle of Boise and escaping her enslavement to Donna, Domina Peggy resolves to become a more powerful Hypnodomme. Belinda, a flapper superheroine, battles mind-controllers in River City. Julia makes a delivery to a behavioral researcher, and ends up as the subject of an experiment. Hypno Project Tommy hypnotizes his hot roomate for a school project. After a conversation with her friend Heidi, Jenn wants to experience orgasms like her thralls do. Any Routine Day.

Another absolute banger! Thanks for sharing!!! This story has a horrifying Twilight Zone vibe.

One More Try Kiara begs for one more chance at being hypnotized. Wells College is an all girls college that is known for its exemplary education, and its high placed graduates. The Accident New Name Dan. John discovers an ancient bracelet set on an overseas trip. After underperforming at the world championships her national federation offers her a talk to refocus on her career. Two women share a story of the recent behavior of one of their co-workers, a man with an interest in hypnosis. All Mixed Up. Sexed Up Again Todd gives Laura something to remember him by. A team of adventurers find a long-lost magical amulet after slaying a dragon. Literotica Live Webcams. Visit of the Apprentice Pt. Aces and Eights. Despite her weariness, she couldn't help but notice the change in her living space. A new disease has emerged, and its threatening to change the human race forever.

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