how to play e on ukulele

How to play e on ukulele

This scale might be a challenge, but it's essential to any player. The E major chord sometimes just known as an E chord is an easy chord for beginners learning to play the ukulele.

So much popular music has been written on guitar in the last 50 years, which means you end up with a lot of songs written in the key of E major. But there is a way to make this really common chord easier to play. In this video, I look at one of the easiest E chord substitutions you can use the next time you come across a dreaded E chord in a song, and I explore the different ways you can play it. To play an E major chord on ukulele the easiest way, use this alternative E chord as a substitution, known as an E5, where you place the index finger on the 2nd fret of the bottom A-string, middle finger on the 4th fret of the top g-string, ring finger on the 4th fret of the C-string, and let the E-string ring open. Alternatively, you can play the E5 chord using your ring finger on the 4th fret of the top g-string, little finger on the 4th fret of the C-string, and index finger on the 2nd fret of the bottom A-string, letting the E-string ring open. Or you can use my favorite way to play the E5 chord, where I wrap the thumb around the top of the neck of the ukulele to fret the top g-string at the 4th fret, place the middle finger on the 4th fret of the C-string, index finger on the 2nd fret of the bottom A-string, and let the E-string ring open. For example, for a song like Fix You by Coldplay, as I highlighted in the video, stylistically the chord is a perfect match for a song like this!

How to play e on ukulele

By learning the E chord on ukulele, you unlock a whole new world of playing songs on the ukulele with the most notable song using the E chord being Hey Soul Sister by Train. I provide you with three variations of E major and give you the pros and cons of each, so you can learn how to play the E chord and determine which one is easiest for you. To play the E major chord on ukulele in this first variation, place the middle finger at the 4th fret of the top g-string, ring finger at the 4th fret of the C-string, and index finger at the 2nd fret of the bottom A-string. Let the E-string ring open. To play the E major chord on ukulele in this second variation, perform a barre by pressing your index finger on the top g-string, C-string, and E-string on the 4th fret and place the little finger on the 7th fret of the bottom A-string. To play the E major chord on ukulele in this third and most popular variation, perform a barre by pressing your index finger on all four strings on the 2nd fret and perform a barre by pressing your ring finger on the top g-string, C-string, and E-string on the 4th fret. This fourth variation of the E major chord is the same chord as Variation 3 but uses a different fretting hand position. To play the E major chord on ukulele in this fourth variation, place the middle finger at the 4th fret of the top g-string, ring finger at the 4th fret of the C-string, little finger at the 4th fret of the E-string, and index finger at the 2nd fret of the bottom A-string. I recommend using this Variation 4 if you have small hands and fingers, but for those of us with larger hands and fingers like myself , learning Variation 3 is better. I recommend starting with the free ukulele lesson book Your First Ukulele Lesson and Then Some where I teach you easy ukulele chords and how to apply those to strum and play actual songs. Grab the free ukulele lesson book. Learn new tricks like:. Hi Brett- My fingers are too small to barre the E major chord as in Variation 3 and too large for Variation 4. In Variation 4, instead of using fingers 2 and 3 to barre the 4th fret, I just use finger 3 to barre both the G and C. Pinky 4 still barres the 4th fret as you show.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. To play the E major chord on ukulele in this third and most popular variation, perform a barre by pressing your index finger on all four strings on the 2nd fret and perform a barre by pressing your ring finger on the top g-string, C-string, and E-string on the 4th fret.

Players will go to great lengths to avoid playing an E chord on ukulele. Check out my guide to helping you get to grips with the e chord…. In a word, no. Why place that restriction on yourself? Here comes the good news, just like every chord there are multiple ways to play an E otherwise known as chord inversions and some are easier to fret than others.

Players will go to great lengths to avoid playing an E chord on ukulele. Check out my guide to helping you get to grips with the e chord…. In a word, no. Why place that restriction on yourself? Here comes the good news, just like every chord there are multiple ways to play an E otherwise known as chord inversions and some are easier to fret than others. Essentially this version of an E is a D chord shifted up 2 frets. More often than not I will play this chord with 2 fingers using my third finger to bar strings 2,3 and 4 of fret 4.

How to play e on ukulele

All major chords comprise of just 3 notes. Sort of. For those that came to ukulele from another instrument such as guitar, the same principle applies, you just happen to double up more notes on a guitar as it has more strings in the first place. Second finger, second fret of the G string top and first finger, first fret of the C string next string down. Take a look at the chord box to help you out. Pluck each note once and listen.

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The good news… Here comes the good news, just like every chord there are multiple ways to play an E otherwise known as chord inversions and some are easier to fret than others. This is where a bit of chord construction knowledge comes in handy. Any tips? Yep, that works, Sarah! A G chord is a good example, you get to leave your second finger where it was. I recommend starting with the free ukulele lesson book Your First Ukulele Lesson and Then Some where I teach you easy ukulele chords and how to apply those to strum and play actual songs. Learn new tricks like:. I just have to be diligent and keep practicing! There are several ways to play an E major chord on the ukulele. Let the E-string ring open. Here comes the good news, just like every chord there are multiple ways to play an E otherwise known as chord inversions and some are easier to fret than others. Produces a cleaner sound for me. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

This scale might be a challenge, but it's essential to any player.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Check out my guide to helping you get to grips with the e chord…. Thanks, Karen. Or you can use my favorite way to play the E5 chord, where I wrap the thumb around the top of the neck of the ukulele to fret the top g-string at the 4th fret, place the middle finger on the 4th fret of the C-string, index finger on the 2nd fret of the bottom A-string, and let the E-string ring open. God, you are brilliant. Easy peasy on a barra …. A G chord is a good example, you get to leave your second finger where it was. Ricky … Melbourne Australia. One Comment. BTW, very cool uke strap. I thought position 1 was index on high g. Yahoo, I was hoping there was a way!!!!

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