how to increase lung capacity in gta san andreas

How to increase lung capacity in gta san andreas

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How to increase lung capacity in gta san andreas

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Najpierw warto zaopatrzyć się w kamizelkę kuloodporną, gdyż bardzo ułatwia nam zadanie. Jeśli jednak znajdą się na tyle blisko, że zaczną strzelać wtedy należy wziąć nogi za pas, oddalić się na bezpieczną odległość i powtórzyć akcję ze sprzątaniem kolesi ze znacznej odległości. Na wykonanie tego zadania istnieją co najmniej dwa sposoby: trudniejszy, how to increase lung capacity in gta san andreas, polegający na skołowaniu wojskowego wozu i wjazd przez bramę po czym będziemy zmuszeni do przebicia się przez dużą liczbą dobrze uzbrojonych przeciwników, bądź o wiele łatwiejszy polegający na dostaniu się na lądowisko helikoptera z powietrza wyskocz nad celem z samolotu.

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To increase your lung capacity in GTA San Andreas: Definitive Edition, you just need to exercise it by practicing holding your breath underwater. Find any body of water deep enough to swim underwater in. Coastal spots are best, but even a lake or swimming pool will do. The important thing is that you can get in and out of the water quickly. On dry land, your stamina meter will refill faster than if you stay in the water.

How to increase lung capacity in gta san andreas

However, in order to complete this mission, CJ requires an upgraded lung capacity to survive for the entire duration that he remains submerged. Before heading into the guide, did you know that San Andreas was the first game in the GTA franchise to have the player interact with water? In earlier games, the player would simply drown whenever they came in contact with water. GTA: San Andreas presented a very life-like mechanic which allowed players to perform various tasks that affect different metrics of CJ's physique. For example, CJ can gain muscle strength by working out while he can also gain fat by consuming more food than required. Similarly for lung capacity, in order to stay underwater for longer durations, CJ needs to practice the very same. This means, that the player will need to head over to the water and take a dive into the deep. However, once CJ's lung capacity bar is entirely depleted, the player will need to head back to the surface to regain their breath. This process needs to be repeated multiple times before CJ's lung capacity increases. Whenever CJ's lungs are upgraded during this process, the player will receive a pop-up tab stating the same.

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The GTA: San Andreas cheats for the original game are a lot of fun—you can do almost anything you want with San Andreas, from donning a jetpack, starting an all gang war in the streets, to making every driver instantly aggressive.

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