how to beat kino der toten black ops 1

How to beat kino der toten black ops 1

Option 1: Remain idle on the mainframe pad and allow the zombies to break in.

Kino der Toten is a somewhat circular map modeled after a massive mansion with many connecting rooms and a central theater. The mansion's foyer is where this tale begins. Be prepared to spend the first couple rounds in here using the money-making strategy. After the third round, it's time to open up some rooms with laser-beam focus on turning the power back on in the theater. The teleporter takes you to the projection room.

How to beat kino der toten black ops 1

From: DjRags Thanks for the heads up. I'm assuming none of the zombie maps are 'winable' then? Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. DjRags 13 years ago 1. Can you actually beat Nazi zombies or is it just endless waves with you trying to survive? Towelofdoom 13 years ago 2. Endless zombies. In the end your screwed when you need 2 clips to kill just one. So you just try to survive as long as you can. Zombies, its a survival game. Its unbeatable.

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This map includes eight regular rooms, a pack a punch room, nine mystery box spawn locations, many electro shock traps and a new fire pit trap. The main lobby is the starting room on this map. This room has 4 windows. This room is quite large and has plenty of space to move around. One up the stairs, one below the stairs to the right, and two by the front.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. Welcome to the theater, have a sit, take some pop corn This item has been added to your Favorites. Created by.

How to beat kino der toten black ops 1

This map includes eight regular rooms, a pack a punch room, nine mystery box spawn locations, many electro shock traps and a new fire pit trap. The main lobby is the starting room on this map. This room has 4 windows. This room is quite large and has plenty of space to move around. One up the stairs, one below the stairs to the right, and two by the front. Quick Revive is avalible in this room for points on solo. If playing in solo, quick revive is a self heal perk. In multiplayer, it only takes half the time to revive someone. It has an electro shock trap.

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Activate the teleport whenever it is off cooldown and use it when you can. The more points you accumulate, the greater the chance of survival in the later stages of the game. Juggernog is avalible for points. Clay mores are somewhat efective. Horror Sci-fi Call of Duty. Browse More Questions. By not opening the theater door from this end, you've effectively barred off a major point of entry, leaving only three that are easily attended to by a team of four. Otherwise, just repeat the same strategy. The back room, reached via the alleyway, is a great bunker for controlled and methodical Zombie annihilation. However, if you have four grenades and you buy grenades it will take away the it costs to buy them and it will still leave you with four.

Call of Duty: Black Ops. Updated: Feb 7, pm. It was not intended for those who have never played Kino, because it requires a bit of knowledge of the map.

There are two windows in this room: One at the end of the short hallway to the right and one at the end of the room near the next door. Option 2: Check on windows occasionally, leaving the back window alone. If you have a crappy gun, trade it in. Go back to the alley and go all the way to the end. This is a very small room. No other zombies come at this time. Once the teleportation is complete, kill the remaining crawlers and repeat the strategy for this round once more for all future rounds. Here are some pictures. You will notice a pad, stand on it, and press the interact button again. Call of Duty Wiki Explore.

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