horrid henry videos

Horrid henry videos

Ever get the feeling that life just isn't fair?

Life is not fair! Horrid Henry feels that the rest of the world is against him and he wages a constant war against the adults. Like any headstrong young boy, he is determined, relentless, he doesn't hold back and he never admits defeat! He will stop at nothing to outwit the enemy and teachers, relatives and babysitters avoid him at all costs. Share Android.

Horrid henry videos


Horrid Henry's Mother's Day horrid henry videos is something really special, something that only someone as horrid as Henry can deliver! Peter discovers that you can please everyone most of the time, at least he thinks he can! And he's about to find out that it's not always easy seeing yourself as others see you, horrid henry videos.


How are ratings calculated? Toggle Expand Toggle Expand. Skip to main content. Ever get the feeling that life just isn't fair? Henry gets that feeling, all of the time. Of course he's only a kid, but with a perfect little brother called Peter, a Mum and Dad who'd love him dearly if only he'd stop behaving, well, like a kid, and a moody girl next door who's on a mission to make Henry's life miserable, who can blame him? This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location. Share Android. Episodes Related Details.

Horrid henry videos

How are ratings calculated? Toggle Expand Toggle Expand. Skip to main content. Henry, a self-centred, naughty prankster who has issues with authority is faced with a problem. He then often retaliates in interesting ways. This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location. Share Android. Episodes Related Details. Episodes Sort Episode number Newest episodes Available to watch.

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Henry is all set to make the best music video ever, but it's not that easy when everyone wants to be in on the act! Ayuda Obtener ayuda. All Horrid Henry wants is a scooter, and it seems like everyone else has got one but him. If you've ever wondered how Henry ended up holding bogey brain's hand when they went to Our Lady Giddiantus school,now's your chance to find out! Wouldn't life be perfect if parents were perfect too? Horrid Henry feels that the rest of the world is against him and he wages a constant war against the adults. Of course he's only a kid, but with a perfect little brother called Peter, a Mum and Dad who'd love him dearly if only he'd stop behaving, well, like a kid, and a moody girl next door who's on a mission to make Henry's life miserable, who can blame him? Peter's keen to solve the mystery of the Hashtag, but will Henry be part of the solution or part of the problem? Rude Ralph is missing! Share Android. Henry discovers that telling the truth isn't always easy, specially when it's Moody Margaret who's doing the telling! Perfect Peter's worried about having hairy hands - could the two things be connected? Henry tries to go to school.

Dec Horrid Henry episodes of Horridly happy fun!

It's a full moon tonight, and Horrid Henry knows that's when the werewolves come out to play. Episodios Detalles. When Dad decides it's time for Horrid Horrid Henry to lay off the TV and loud music, Henry finds that wise words can come from the strangest of places! At last, Horrid Henry's gets a scooter! But is it?! Horrid Henry's gonna be a rockstar, and no-one's going to stop him, except maybe Moody Margaret, who's up to her usual tricks! Of course he's only a kid, but with a perfect little brother called Peter, a Mum and Dad who'd love him dearly if only he'd stop behaving, well, like a kid, and a moody girl next door who's on a mission to make Henry's life miserable, who can blame him? Or has he?! It's the first day of a new term, and Henry's not ready for school. Share Android. A day out with Great Aunt Greta! It's not easy being Henry, especially when all you want to do is read your Gross Class Zero comic whilst everyone else has other plans for you! Like any headstrong young boy, he is determined, relentless, he doesn't hold back and he never admits defeat!

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