hive marvel

Hive marvel

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book, hive marvel.

The tide of battle turn in Fury's favor when the Secret Warriors teleport in and Dum Dum Dugan takes control of the carriers. Hellfire wraps his burning chain around the Hive's arm but the parasitic being pulls the Secret Warrior towards him and smashes him with an uppercut. Kraken would take this agent to a secret underwater base called the Hive and place him in a room filled with parasitic pods. The Kraken tells Baron Von Strucker that this agent was flagged during his physical because he had a deficient white blood cell count and his body would less likely reject the process. The pods began to open and the parasites attached themselves to the agent's nude body.

Hive marvel

Alveus, also known as Hive, was a parasitic Inhuman capable of infesting and possessing the bodies of dead humans and controlling other Inhumans through a hive mind. Because of his great powers, Alveus was banished to a barren planet. Alveus' worshipers founded a secret society with the sole purpose of bringing Hive back to Earth to conquer it. Eventually, Alveus possessed Grant Ward's dead body when he was killed by Phil Coulson with his prosthetic hand on Maveth, and was able to return to Earth once more. Tags No Tags connected to this profile. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation.

Also, hive marvel, any ailments afflicting the host prior to absorption will still be present and will affect the Hive -- for instance, its original human host possessed a minute blood disorder and was also a diabetic -- hence, why the Hydra heads deemed him fodder for the Hive experiment and would have also made him weak enough to be absorbed. Hive marvel Free!

Hive appeared in Agents of S. Premiering in , Agents of S. The series frequently crossed over with other Marvel projects and generally served as a perfect supplement to the movie series. Throughout its seven seasons, Agents of S. Agents of S. D 's powerful main villains often dominated the bulk of entire seasons and Agent Coulson's team had their hands full with groups, like HYDRA, that operated behind the scenes. Season 3 saw the team face off against Hive, and his plan of world domination topped anything that had been seen in the first two seasons.

To facilitate his deicidal crusade, the dark god Knull created a species of amorphous symbiotic predators from the "living abyss", using them to conquer planets and consume entire civilizations. At one point thousands of years in the past, the Symbiote Hive attempted to conquer the Microverse in order to assimilate the Enigma Force , hoping to become able to infest entire planets. The symbiotes' touch proved caustic to the minuscule dimension and its inhabitants, and nearly wound up destroying it and all existence; but they were repelled by the Enigma Force's avatar. Knull's control over the symbiotes was severed in a battle between one of his symbiote-dragons and Thor. Being disconnected from Knull caused the symbiote dragons to unravel into countless individual symbiotes, which sought out hosts to stabilize themselves. The symbiotes who had bonded to noble and kind-hearted hosts poisoned the Hive-Mind with the Light, leading to the symbiotes rebelling against Knull and imprisoning him at the core of the symbiote throneworld -- renaming it and themselves "Klyntar" after the symbiote word for prison. Ashamed of their dark past, the symbiotes of Klyntar desired to spread and maintain peace throughout the Cosmos by seeking out worthy hosts from various species in order to create an organization of noble warriors, the Agents of the Cosmos. Despite being cut off from the hive-mind, the corrupted symbiotes formed into a loosely-organized spacefaring empire and resumed conquering planets, spreading what the Klyntar hive-mind claimed was misinformation about their species. At some point in the past, Joot, one of the worlds conquered by the Symbiote Hive, was devoured by Galactus, amplifying the symbiotes' instinctual fear and hatred towards the cosmic entity and his herald, the Silver Surfer.

Hive marvel

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book. If you wish to contribute, please do not immediately edit these pages, and instead visit the Timeline Discussion. Inhumans Inhomo supremis are a race of altered human beings that are the result of experiments on themselves or their ancestors by the extraterrestrial race known as Kree , who manipulated their genetic code. As a result, humans with this genetic Kree DNA become Inhumans when they undergo Terrigenesis , granting them superhuman abilities. More than five thousand years ago, a rogue faction of Kree set out on an intergalactic campaign to create an army of super soldiers to help their empire win a protracted war. The Reapers sent science teams to different planets, conducting experiments on various alien lifeforms, hoping to unlock genetic potential for heightened abilities.

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More than a year after his death, Hive kept haunting the S. I can't wait. Hive was shown to be mysterious, calm, and nothing short of affable to his allies, at least until he intended to punish them. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. Alveus' human form before his Terrigenesis. Malick vowed to not die a coward like his father while Stephanie told Hive to do what he needed to do and kill her father. Coulson shot Hive twice before he could kill Fitz, and Hive collapsed to the ground. Eventually, Hive built up the strength to speak and demanded to see Malick. Current Wiki. Once Zephyr One was clear of the Playground, Hive confirmed they were ascending and ready to launch the Absolution Virus over the planet to complete their plan. Johnson told Hive that being under his control had finally filled the emptiness within her.

Created in the Hydra laboratories in their underwater base of Hive , the Hive was an experiment made to physically embody the Hydra ideal. The entity is composed of untold numbers of genetically-engineered parasites. Grotesque and menacing in both stature and appearance the Hive had no identity of its own, per se, as its collective will dominates the human host it engulfs; however, it possesses a quiet and cunning intelligence and as a result of its conditioning is completely dedicated to the Hydra cause to the extent that Baron von Strucker appointed it as a figurehead alongside himself, the Viper , Gorgon , Kraken , and the new Madame Hydra in the form of triple agent Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.

For alternate versions of Hive, see Hive's Character Hub "The world fears our kind of power because not everyone has it. Hive is trapped inside of the Suspension Gel. Hive later found Malick sitting by the fire drinking while he thought back to witnessing his own daughter's horrific death at Hive's hands. When Hive asked how Malick was doing, Giyera told him he was fine although he appeared to be scared. Johnson became distracted when R. Hive successfully revives Grant Ward 's body. Grotesque and menacing in both stature and appearance the Hive had no identity of its own, per se, as its collective will dominates the human host it engulfs; however, it possesses a quiet and cunning intelligence and as a result of its conditioning is completely dedicated to the Hydra cause to the extent that Baron von Strucker appointed it as a figurehead alongside himself, the Viper, Gorgon, Kraken, and the new Madame Hydra in the form of triple agent Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. Radcliffe then confirmed that they were ready for the next test for the experiment and led Hive to his laboratory while leaving Johnson to recover. Once Hive had threatened to consume Radcliffe or take control over his mind, he sent him away with a team of Primitives to override S. But to drain a man's life with your own hand, to feel the life go out inside him as Mr. Hive later watched as Giyera defeated Lincoln Campbell and they both escaped. Hive, however, vowed that Malick would believe; beginning to demonstrate his powers by turning Ward's skin to parasites and sending them towards Malick and Giyera. Hive gave the Watchdogs a call, claiming to be from the Advanced Threat Containment Unit , telling them of a known Inhuman. However, Coulson argued that the difference between them was that his S. However, Hive widened the canyon from 30 meters to meters, making the task significantly more difficult.

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